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Posts by Yvonne Shao







第99B条款的一个重要方面是讨论”假设居民纳税人“(TD 2024/9)。该假设接受分配的受益人是澳大利亚居民,无论信托的实际居民身份如何。ATO根据这一假设的居民纳税人来决定如何征税。



ATO发布的PCG 2024/3进一步详细解释了第99B条款在不同情境下的应用。尽管这些指导意见较为概括,但它们有助于明确哪些情况被认为是低风险或高风险。


  1. 已故遗产
    • 财产在去世后24个月内分配给受益人。
    • 受益人收到的信托财产总值不超过200万澳元。
    • 分配款项不是来自遗嘱信托(通过遗嘱设立的信托)。
    • 提供适当的文档,如遗嘱或信托契约,证明符合条件。


  1. 信托财产按商业条款使用
    • 协议(无论口头或书面)必须符合商业条款。
    • 受益人需按照协议向受托人支付符合商业条款的款项,如利息或租赁款。




  • 签署的信托契约或已故个人的遗嘱。
  • 受托人会议记录或分配声明,确认款项是从信托的本金中支付给受益人的。
  • 信托的财务账户,符合相关国家的会计准则。
  • 根据具体情况提供的其他文档,如银行对账单、工作文件、受托人会议记录、通信和咨询文件等。



皮特马丁会计师事务所 Pitt Martin Group 是一家提供税务,会计,生意咨询, 自管养老金及审计的贷款等综合性服务的经澳洲会计师公会认证的注册会计师事务所。我们每年会花上几百个小时去研究新的税法,以保证我们的客户可以最大化合理避税。我们的中文联系方式是 Robert Liu +61292213345 或邮件。皮特马丁会计师事务所Pitt Martin Group坐落在交通便利的悉尼市市中心,是一家拥有可以说中文合伙人的会计师事务所。我们的荣誉包括2018年CPA新州首席优秀奖, 2020年澳大利亚小生意年度冠军入围奖, 2021年澳洲知名媒体《每日会计师》年度最佳会计师事务所冠军入围奖,2022年最佳会计师事务所新人入围奖和2023香港澳大利亚商业协会最佳积极生意入围奖。

皮特马丁会计师事务所 Pitt Martin Group资质包括超过十五年的从业经验,澳大利亚注册会计师协会(CPA)执业认证会员,澳大利亚税务注册代理,新州、维州和西澳律师协会信托账户 (Trust Account) 认证审计师,澳大利亚金融贷款经纪人协会(FBAA)执业认证会员,澳大利亚证券及投资委员会注册代理,XERO, QUICKBOOKS, MYOB等会计软件授权单位及认证顾问。


By Yvonne Shao @ Pitt Martin Tax

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Section 99B: How It Affects Non-Resident Trusts and Australian Beneficiaries

The Australian Taxation Office (ATO) has issued guidance on how Section 99B of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1936 (ITAA 1936) applies to distributions from non-resident trusts to Australian residents. This section ensures that, in most cases, Australian residents who receive payments from such trusts are taxed in Australia, unless exceptions apply. Below, we break down the key aspects of Section 99B, its implications, and what beneficiaries and trustees need to know.

What is Section 99B?

Section 99B ensures that distributions made by non-resident trusts to Australian residents are generally taxed in Australia. This section applies when the trust has been a non-resident at any point since its establishment. While the law is not specifically limited to non-resident trusts, the risk of it being applied is higher for such trusts.

A key provision of Section 99B is Section 99B(2), which allows a reduction in the amount taxed if the distribution is made from the trust’s corpus (principal), rather than income. However, this reduction only applies if the income or gains would have been taxed in Australia if derived by an Australian resident.

The Hypothetical Resident Taxpayer

A critical aspect of Section 99B is the ‘hypothetical resident taxpayer’ (TD 2024/9) of the rules. This assumes that the beneficiary receiving the distribution is an Australian resident, regardless of the trust’s actual residency status. The ATO uses this hypothetical resident taxpayer to determine how the distribution should be taxed.

For example, if a foreign trust sells a pre-CGT asset (an asset acquired before 1985, when capital gains tax was introduced) and distributes the capital gain to an Australian resident, Section 99B would reduce the capital gain under Section 99B(2). In this case, no capital gains tax would apply. Notably, the CGT discount does not apply to the hypothetical resident taxpayer, as the ATO treats them as an Australian resident taxpayer for tax purposes.

ATO’s Guidance on Section 99B

The ATO’s PCG 2024/3 provides further details on how Section 99B applies in different scenarios. While the guidelines are broad, they help clarify how low-risk and high-risk situations are treated under Section 99B.

Two common scenarios are identified where the ATO considers the risk of non-compliance to be low:

  1. Deceased Estates
    If a deceased individual was a non-resident at the time of death, the distribution of their estate to Australian beneficiaries may be treated as low-risk, provided:
    • The property is distributed to the beneficiary within 24 months of death.
    • The value of the property received does not exceed $2 million.
    • The distribution is not made from a testamentary trust (created by a will).
    • Proper documentation, such as the signed will or trust deed, is provided.

If these conditions are met, the ATO considers the distribution to be low-risk and will not focus compliance efforts on it unless something unusual is detected.

  1. Trust Property Used on Commercial Terms
    If a beneficiary uses trust property under commercial terms, the risk is considered low. The conditions include:
    • The agreement (whether verbal or written) must be on commercial terms.
    • The beneficiary must pay the trustee an amount that matches the commercial terms, such as interest or rental payments.

An agreement is considered on commercial terms if the rates and terms align with market rates. There is also a safe harbour for loans where interest rates and terms follow Division 7A loan standards.

Documentation Requirements

Beneficiaries must provide proper documentation to substantiate their claims for reductions under Section 99B(2). This documentation is essential for proving that the distribution is correctly taxed. Required documents include:

  • Signed trust deeds or the will of the deceased person.
  • Trustee minutes or distribution statements confirming that payments were made from the trust’s corpus.
  • The trust’s financial accounts for relevant years, following the accounting standards of the relevant country.
  • Additional case-specific documents, such as bank statements, working papers, and other relevant records.

If a beneficiary fails to provide the required documents, the ATO will treat the entire amount as assessable income, meaning the full distribution will be taxed.

For trustees and beneficiaries of non-resident trusts, understanding Section 99B is crucial for managing tax obligations. Always ensure you have the necessary documents to substantiate your claims and stay compliant with Australian tax law.

Pitt Martin Group is a CPA accounting firm, providing services including taxation, accounting, business consulting, self-managed superannuation funds, auditing and mortgage & finance. We spend hundreds of hours each year on training and researching new tax laws to ensure our clients can maximize legitimate tax benefit. Our contact information are phone +61292213345 or email Pitt Martin Group is located in the convenient transportation hub of Sydney’s central business district. Our honours include the 2018 CPA NSW President’s Award for Excellence, the 2020 Australian Small Business Champion Award Finalist, the 2021 Australia’s well-known media ‘Accountants Daily’ the Accounting Firm of the Year Award Finalist and the 2022 Start-up Firm of the Year Award Finalist, and the 2023 Hong Kong-Australia Business Association Business Award Finalist.

Pitt Martin Group qualifications include over fifteen years of professional experience in accounting industry, membership certification of the Australian Society of Certified Practising Accountants (CPA), Australian Taxation Registered Agents, certified External Examiner of the Law Societies of New South Wales, Victoria, and Western Australia Law Trust Accounts, membership certification of the Finance Brokers Association of Australia Limited (FBAA), Registered Agents of the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC), certified Advisor of accounting software such as XERO, QUICKBOOKS, MYOB, etc.

This content is for reference only and does not constitute advice on any individual or group’s specific situation. Any individual or group should take action only after consulting with professionals. Due to the timeliness of tax laws, we have endeavoured to provide timely and accurate information at the time of publication, but cannot guarantee that the content stated will remain applicable in the future. Please indicate the source when forwarding this content.

By Yvonne Shao @ Pitt Martin Tax

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虽然完全避免与节日相关的税费较为困难,但你可以通过合理规划派对的形式,最大程度地减少税务成本。然而需要注意的是,如果你成功避免了缴纳附加福利税(Fringe benefits tax, 以下简称FBT),通常情况下你将无法为相关费用申请税务抵扣或商品与服务税(Goods and Services Tax, 以下简称GST)抵免。以下是具体细节:


  • 办公室内派对: 在工作日于办公室内举办的派对,通常无需缴纳FBT。与派对相关的食品和饮料通常也免税。此外,从办公室出发或返回办公室的交通费用也免FBT,这对于员工在活动后需要交通安排的情况尤为有帮助。
  • 办公室外派对(每人费用不超过300澳元): 如果派对在办公室外举行,并且每位员工的费用不超过300澳元(FBT的小额福利限额),通常也无需缴纳FBT。然而,如果你避免了FBT,那么这些费用将无法申请税务抵扣或GST抵免。


  • 如果你选择举办更为豪华的派对,并且每位员工的费用超过了300澳元的小额福利限额,那么你将需要缴纳FBT。但在这种情况下,你可以为这些费用申请税务抵扣和GST抵免。


  • 客户礼品: 如果赠送客户礼品的目的是为了提升业务收益,则这些礼品通常可以申请税务抵扣,因为它们被视为营销费用。然而,礼品的性质很重要。如果礼品是高尔夫活动、餐饮券等与娱乐相关的内容,则不可抵扣。
  • 员工礼品: 关键是确保礼品是偶然的、非经常性的,且每次的价值低于300澳元的小额福利限额。例如,不要为同一员工提供价值超过300澳元的多份礼品,或长期的健身会员卡等,否则将触发FBT。此外,在一年内于不同时间赠送礼品,通常不会累计计算以触发FBT。




皮特马丁会计师事务所 Pitt Martin Group 是一家提供税务,会计,生意咨询, 自管养老金及审计的贷款等综合性服务的经澳洲会计师公会认证的注册会计师事务所。我们每年会花上几百个小时去研究新的税法,以保证我们的客户可以最大化合理避税。我们的中文联系方式是 Robert Liu +61292213345 或邮件。皮特马丁会计师事务所Pitt Martin Group坐落在交通便利的悉尼市市中心,是一家拥有可以说中文合伙人的会计师事务所。我们的荣誉包括2018年CPA新州首席优秀奖, 2020年澳大利亚小生意年度冠军入围奖, 2021年澳洲知名媒体《每日会计师》年度最佳会计师事务所冠军入围奖,2022年最佳会计师事务所新人入围奖和2023香港澳大利亚商业协会最佳积极生意入围奖。

皮特马丁会计师事务所 Pitt Martin Group资质包括超过十五年的从业经验,澳大利亚注册会计师协会(CPA)执业认证会员,澳大利亚税务注册代理,新州、维州和西澳律师协会信托账户 (Trust Account) 认证审计师,澳大利亚金融贷款经纪人协会(FBAA)执业认证会员,澳大利亚证券及投资委员会注册代理,XERO, QUICKBOOKS, MYOB等会计软件授权单位及认证顾问。


By Yvonne Shao @ Pitt Martin Tax

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Tax-Savvy Christmas Celebrations: What You Need to Know

As the festive season approaches, many businesses are planning Christmas parties and gifts. But how can you avoid giving an unexpected present to the Australian Tax Office (ATO)? Here are some key considerations for making your holiday celebrations more tax-efficient.

Can You Make Your Staff Christmas Party Tax Deductible or Tax-Free?

While completely avoiding taxes may not be possible, you can structure your festivities to minimize tax liabilities. However, keep in mind that if you avoid fringe benefits tax (FBT), you typically won’t be able to claim a tax deduction or goods and services tax (GST) credits for the expenses. Here’s how it works:

No FBT Option

  • In-office parties: Hosting a Christmas party in your office during a regular workday is usually FBT-exempt for food and drinks. Taxi travel to or from the office for the party is also FBT-free, which can be helpful if employees need a safe way home.
  • External venues under $300 per person: If your party is held off-site and the cost per attendee is under $300 (the minor benefit threshold), FBT generally doesn’t apply. However, you won’t be able to claim a tax deduction or GST credits for these expenses.

Tax-Deductible Option

  • More extravagant celebrations: If the cost of your off-site Christmas party exceeds the $300 minor benefit threshold per person, you’ll incur FBT but can claim a tax deduction and GST credits for the expenses.

Are Client Gifts Tax Deductible?

Whether or not client gifts are tax-deductible depends on the nature of the gift and its purpose. Gifts given with the expectation of benefiting your business, such as promotional or marketing items, are deductible. However, gifts that qualify as entertainment (e.g., event tickets, meals, or golf outings) are not tax-deductible.

What About Gifts for Staff?

The key to tax-efficient staff gifts is to keep them below the $300 minor benefit threshold and ensure they are spontaneous and one-off. Gifts like cash bonuses are treated as regular income and taxed accordingly, so they’re not as tax-friendly as non-cash items.

Some tips for tax-efficient gifting:

  • Avoid ongoing benefits like gym memberships.
  • Don’t give multiple identical gifts to the same person that cumulatively exceed $300.
  • Spread gifts throughout the year to stay within the minor benefit limits.

Are Client Lunches or Drinks Deductible?

Unfortunately, entertaining clients with meals, drinks, or other forms of entertainment is not tax-deductible, whether during Christmas or any other time of the year. The ATO takes a firm stance against subsidizing such expenses, ensuring taxpayers don’t foot the bill for your social activities.

Planning your Christmas celebrations with tax considerations in mind can help you manage costs effectively. While it’s difficult to avoid all taxes, understanding the rules around FBT, deductions, and minor benefits can make a significant difference. Happy holidays, and may your celebrations be both festive and financially savvy!

Pitt Martin Group is a CPA accounting firm, providing services including taxation, accounting, business consulting, self-managed superannuation funds, auditing and mortgage & finance. We spend hundreds of hours each year on training and researching new tax laws to ensure our clients can maximize legitimate tax benefit. Our contact information are phone +61292213345 or email Pitt Martin Group is located in the convenient transportation hub of Sydney’s central business district. Our honours include the 2018 CPA NSW President’s Award for Excellence, the 2020 Australian Small Business Champion Award Finalist, the 2021 Australia’s well-known media ‘Accountants Daily’ the Accounting Firm of the Year Award Finalist and the 2022 Start-up Firm of the Year Award Finalist, and the 2023 Hong Kong-Australia Business Association Business Award Finalist.

Pitt Martin Group qualifications include over fifteen years of professional experience in accounting industry, membership certification of the Australian Society of Certified Practising Accountants (CPA), Australian Taxation Registered Agents, certified External Examiner of the Law Societies of New South Wales, Victoria, and Western Australia Law Trust Accounts, membership certification of the Finance Brokers Association of Australia Limited (FBAA), Registered Agents of the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC), certified Advisor of accounting software such as XERO, QUICKBOOKS, MYOB, etc.

This content is for reference only and does not constitute advice on any individual or group’s specific situation. Any individual or group should take action only after consulting with professionals. Due to the timeliness of tax laws, we have endeavoured to provide timely and accurate information at the time of publication, but cannot guarantee that the content stated will remain applicable in the future. Please indicate the source when forwarding this content.

By Yvonne Shao @ Pitt Martin Tax

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皮特马丁会计师事务所 Pitt Martin Group 是一家提供税务,会计,生意咨询, 自管养老金及审计的贷款等综合性服务的经澳洲会计师公会认证的注册会计师事务所。我们每年会花上几百个小时去研究新的税法,以保证我们的客户可以最大化合理避税。我们的中文联系方式是 Robert Liu +61292213345 或邮件。皮特马丁会计师事务所Pitt Martin Group坐落在交通便利的悉尼市市中心,是一家拥有可以说中文合伙人的会计师事务所。我们的荣誉包括2018年CPA新州首席优秀奖, 2020年澳大利亚小生意年度冠军入围奖, 2021年澳洲知名媒体《每日会计师》年度最佳会计师事务所冠军入围奖,2022年最佳会计师事务所新人入围奖和2023香港澳大利亚商业协会最佳积极生意入围奖。

皮特马丁会计师事务所 Pitt Martin Group资质包括超过十五年的从业经验,澳大利亚注册会计师协会(CPA)执业认证会员,澳大利亚税务注册代理,新州、维州和西澳律师协会信托账户 (Trust Account) 认证审计师,澳大利亚金融贷款经纪人协会(FBAA)执业认证会员,澳大利亚证券及投资委员会注册代理,XERO, QUICKBOOKS, MYOB等会计软件授权单位及认证顾问。


By Yvonne Shao @ Pitt Martin Tax

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What Makes or Breaks the Christmas Season for Business?

While cost-of-living pressures have slightly eased this year, consumers and businesses alike continue to feel financial strain, making careful planning essential for companies navigating the holiday season. Christmas can bring both opportunities and challenges for businesses, so let’s explore what “makes or breaks” the season from a business perspective.

Managing Seasonal Disruption and Volatility

The holiday rush is underway, and as businesses race to capture any remaining opportunities before the Christmas slowdown, many find themselves grappling with dislocation and unpredictability. Christmas disrupts regular operations, creating periods of volatility that are challenging for businesses to manage without thorough planning.

Consumers, facing ongoing living cost pressures, are particularly cautious. Many households with mortgages are feeling the pinch as fixed-rate loans roll over into higher variable rates. Although energy subsidies and lower fuel costs offer some respite, overall inflation—especially for services like rent, insurance, and personal care—remains above target. The Reserve Bank of Australia has hinted that interest rate reductions are still some way off, so consumers are seeking value for every dollar they spend. Ironically, if spending spikes this season, it may delay future rate cuts, as increased spending can further fuel inflation. However, given inflation, consumers will naturally spend more this year just to match last year’s buying power.

The Discount Dilemma

Discounting remains a key strategy during the holiday season, but businesses must approach it carefully. Knowing your profit margins is essential before offering discounts. For instance, a 20% gross profit margin business offering a 15% discount would need to triple sales volume just to break even. Without careful planning, discounts may lead to losses if sales don’t increase significantly.

Discounting works best when you have excess stock, older inventory that needs to move, or if it generates demand and attracts new customers. Value doesn’t always have to come from direct discounts; bundling products can be more profitable. Packaging high-demand items with lower-demand stock or offering quantity discounts can create value for customers without eroding profits.

Holiday Cost Management

Operating costs often rise around Christmas, with increased staffing, reduced efficiency, downtime on non-trading days, and higher marketing expenses. While it’s essential to embrace the season, careful cost management is necessary to avoid a financial “hangover” in the New Year. If hiring casual employees, ensure they’re paid correctly, including superannuation contributions, to stay compliant.

Planning for New Year Cash Flow

The start of the New Year can bring reduced business activity and tight cash flow. Historically, the March quarter tends to be the hardest quarter for cash flow, so building a buffer is essential. Overextending during the holiday rush may lead to issues in the quieter months ahead.

Lessons from Scrooge: Managing Debts

For businesses working with account customers, it’s wise to start debt collection efforts early, as many clients may face financial pressure during the holiday season. Early follow-ups on overdue accounts increase the chances of getting paid, while waiting could mean missed payments if clients run out of cash.

Inventory Management for the Christmas Rush

If holiday sales are booming, businesses may feel tempted to stock up. While this makes sense, overstocking can lead to excess post-holiday inventory or too much cash tied up in stock. Instead, aim to work with suppliers who can provide goods on short notice to avoid tying up funds. Additionally, if items are out of stock in-store, offer customers online options to complete sales, ensuring no missed opportunities.

While Christmas can be a profitable time, it’s easy to get caught up in the excitement and overlook essential business practices. With careful planning, effective cost management, and a focus on customer needs, businesses can make the most of the holiday season without unnecessary setbacks.

Pitt Martin Group is a CPA accounting firm, providing services including taxation, accounting, business consulting, self-managed superannuation funds, auditing and mortgage & finance. We spend hundreds of hours each year on training and researching new tax laws to ensure our clients can maximize legitimate tax benefit. Our contact information are phone +61292213345 or email Pitt Martin Group is located in the convenient transportation hub of Sydney’s central business district. Our honours include the 2018 CPA NSW President’s Award for Excellence, the 2020 Australian Small Business Champion Award Finalist, the 2021 Australia’s well-known media ‘Accountants Daily’ the Accounting Firm of the Year Award Finalist and the 2022 Start-up Firm of the Year Award Finalist, and the 2023 Hong Kong-Australia Business Association Business Award Finalist.

Pitt Martin Group qualifications include over fifteen years of professional experience in accounting industry, membership certification of the Australian Society of Certified Practising Accountants (CPA), Australian Taxation Registered Agents, certified External Examiner of the Law Societies of New South Wales, Victoria, and Western Australia Law Trust Accounts, membership certification of the Finance Brokers Association of Australia Limited (FBAA), Registered Agents of the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC), certified Advisor of accounting software such as XERO, QUICKBOOKS, MYOB, etc.

This content is for reference only and does not constitute advice on any individual or group’s specific situation. Any individual or group should take action only after consulting with professionals. Due to the timeliness of tax laws, we have endeavoured to provide timely and accurate information at the time of publication, but cannot guarantee that the content stated will remain applicable in the future. Please indicate the source when forwarding this content.

By Yvonne Shao @ Pitt Martin Tax

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Payday Super: A New Approach to Superannuation Contributions

A significant shift in the administration of the superannuation guarantee (SG) is set to take place, introducing what is known as payday super. This change, aimed at improving the efficiency of super payments, will impose new obligations on employers starting 1 July 2026. Here’s what you need to know about the upcoming changes.

What’s Changing?

Under the new system, employers will be required to pay their employees’ SG contributions on the same day as salary and wages, a departure from the current practice of quarterly payments. This adjustment will help reduce the estimated AUD 3.4 billion gap between the super payments employees are entitled to and the actual contributions made. In addition, the government believes that this will improve employees’ retirement benefits. It is estimated that for a 25-year-old employee with an average income, if pensions are paid with wages instead of quarterly, their pension amount will increase by about 1.5% by the time they retire.

The announcement was made in the 2023-24 Federal Budget, though the payday super is not yet legislated. In anticipation of the changes, the Treasury has released a fact sheet to help employers prepare for the new requirements.

How Will Payday Super Work?

Under this new system, SG payments will be due within seven days after employees receive their ordinary time earnings (OTE). This means that employers must transfer SG contributions to employees’ super funds within a week of each payday. Some exceptions will apply, such as for new employees during their first two weeks of employment and small, irregular payments outside the usual pay cycle.

Many employers have already transitioned to Single Touch Payroll (STP) reporting, which electronically tracks employee wages. It is expected that payday super will integrate with these existing systems, with some minor adjustments to ensure OTE data is captured for super contributions.

Impact on Employers

The key challenge for many employers will not necessarily be the administrative burden but rather the impact on cash flow. Under the current system, businesses hold onto 12% of their payroll for up to 28 days after the quarter ends before paying SG. Under payday super, this money will need to be disbursed as soon as employees are paid, which could pose cashflow issues for some businesses. However, this change is expected to limit the risks of unpaid super, particularly in cases where a business becomes insolvent.

Consequences for Late Payments

Penalties for late or missed SG payments are already severe and will remain stringent under payday super. Currently, late payments trigger the superannuation guarantee charge (SGC), which consists of the unpaid SG amount, 10% annual interest starting from the quarter it was due, and a $20 administration fee per employee. Notably, these SGC amounts are non-deductible for the employer, even when settled.

Under the new payday super regime, penalties will become stricter, especially for repeated violations. If an employer fails to make SG payments on time, the following penalties will apply:

  • Outstanding SG shortfall: Based on OTE (ordinary time earnings) rather than total wages.
  • Notional earnings: Daily interest charged on the shortfall amount from the day after the due date, at the general interest charge rate.
  • Administrative uplift: A penalty of up to 60% of the SG shortfall to cover enforcement costs, reduced if the employer voluntarily discloses the failure.
  • General interest charge: Interest on any unpaid SG shortfall and notional earnings, plus any outstanding administrative penalties.
  • SG charge penalty: Additional penalties of up to 50% of the unpaid SG charge if the debt is not cleared within 28 days of receiving the notice of assessment.

These penalties can quickly escalate, particularly for employers who have consistently underpaid or misclassified employees as contractors, leaving outstanding SG obligations. The new system will make such oversights costly. However, unlike the current SGC, under payday super, the SGC will become tax-deductible—excluding any penalties and interest accrued if the SG charge is not paid within 28 days.

Though not yet enacted, payday super represents a significant shift in the way superannuation is managed and paid. Employers will need to prepare for the upcoming changes and ensure they meet their new obligations once the law is finalized. Keep an eye on updates as the policy evolves to ensure compliance and avoid costly penalties.

Pitt Martin Group is a CPA accounting firm, providing services including taxation, accounting, business consulting, self-managed superannuation funds, auditing and mortgage & finance. We spend hundreds of hours each year on training and researching new tax laws to ensure our clients can maximize legitimate tax benefit. Our contact information are phone +61292213345 or email Pitt Martin Group is located in the convenient transportation hub of Sydney’s central business district. Our honours include the 2018 CPA NSW President’s Award for Excellence, the 2020 Australian Small Business Champion Award Finalist, the 2021 Australia’s well-known media ‘Accountants Daily’ the Accounting Firm of the Year Award Finalist and the 2022 Start-up Firm of the Year Award Finalist, and the 2023 Hong Kong-Australia Business Association Business Award Finalist.

Pitt Martin Group qualifications include over fifteen years of professional experience in accounting industry, membership certification of the Australian Society of Certified Practising Accountants (CPA), Australian Taxation Registered Agents, certified External Examiner of the Law Societies of New South Wales, Victoria, and Western Australia Law Trust Accounts, membership certification of the Finance Brokers Association of Australia Limited (FBAA), Registered Agents of the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC), certified Advisor of accounting software such as XERO, QUICKBOOKS, MYOB, etc.

This content is for reference only and does not constitute advice on any individual or group’s specific situation. Any individual or group should take action only after consulting with professionals. Due to the timeliness of tax laws, we have endeavoured to provide timely and accurate information at the time of publication, but cannot guarantee that the content stated will remain applicable in the future. Please indicate the source when forwarding this content.

By Yvonne Shao @ Pitt Martin Tax

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一项关于养老金保障(superannuation guarantee,以下简称SG)管理方式的重大变革即将推出,这项变革称为“发薪日养老金” (Payday Super)。这一新规旨在提高养老金缴纳的效率,并将从2026年7月1日起,对雇主提出新的义务。以下是关于即将实施的这一变革的详细介绍。





在这一新系统下,雇主必须在员工获得其“普通工时收入”(ordinary times earning ,以下简称OTE)后7天内支付养老金保障(SG)缴款。这意味着雇主必须在发放工资后一周内将SG缴款转入员工的养老基金。某些例外情况包括新员工在其前两周内的工资,以及不在常规工资周期内的小额、非定期支付。

近年来,许多雇主已经过渡到一键式薪酬系统(single touch payroll,以下简称STP),该系统可电子记录员工工资。预计“发薪日养老金”将整合到现有的电子系统中,同时对STP进行一些调整,以便收集OTE数据用于养老金缴纳。





迟缴或未缴养老金的处罚本已十分严格,并将在“发薪日养老金”制度下继续保持严格。目前,迟缴养老金会触发养老金保证金费用(super guarantee charge , 以下简称SGC),其包括未支付的SG金额、从应付季度开始计算的年息10%,以及每个员工每季度20澳元的管理费。值得注意的是,即使SGC欠款已结清,这些金额对雇主来说也不可抵扣。

  • 未缴养老金差额:根据OTE而非总工资计算。
  • 名义收益:从到期日后起按日计算的短缺金额利息,利率为一般利息费率(general interest charge rate)。
  • 管理提升费:最多可达未缴SG差额的60%,用于反映执法成本,如果雇主自愿披露未缴款项,费用会有所减少。
  • 一般利息费用:对未支付的SG差额、名义收益以及未缴管理费的部分加收利息。
  • SG罚金:如果在收到评估通知后28天内仍未全额支付未缴SG费用,将额外加收最多50%的罚款。



皮特马丁会计师事务所 Pitt Martin Group 是一家提供税务,会计,生意咨询, 自管养老金及审计的贷款等综合性服务的经澳洲会计师公会认证的注册会计师事务所。我们每年会花上几百个小时去研究新的税法,以保证我们的客户可以最大化合理避税。我们的中文联系方式是 Robert Liu +61292213345 或邮件。皮特马丁会计师事务所Pitt Martin Group坐落在交通便利的悉尼市市中心,是一家拥有可以说中文合伙人的会计师事务所。我们的荣誉包括2018年CPA新州首席优秀奖, 2020年澳大利亚小生意年度冠军入围奖, 2021年澳洲知名媒体《每日会计师》年度最佳会计师事务所冠军入围奖,2022年最佳会计师事务所新人入围奖和2023香港澳大利亚商业协会最佳积极生意入围奖。

皮特马丁会计师事务所 Pitt Martin Group资质包括超过十五年的从业经验,澳大利亚注册会计师协会(CPA)执业认证会员,澳大利亚税务注册代理,新州、维州和西澳律师协会信托账户 (Trust Account) 认证审计师,澳大利亚金融贷款经纪人协会(FBAA)执业认证会员,澳大利亚证券及投资委员会注册代理,XERO, QUICKBOOKS, MYOB等会计软件授权单位及认证顾问。


By Yvonne Shao @ Pitt Martin Tax

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当你登录到你的myGov账户时,发现过去一年的”业务活动报表”(business activity statement,简称:BAS) 有申报记录,并且发放了10万澳元的GST退税。问题是,这并不是你做的税务申报,而且你的银行账户里也没有10万澳元的退款。那么现在该怎么办呢?






  • 发送关于未经授权的账户访问尝试的虚假警告,要求你点击链接并验证你的信息。
  • 提供所谓的奖励,例如税务退税,并要求你点击链接领取。
  • 模仿澳大利亚税务局(ATO)的官方通知,带有一个可以点击查看消息的链接。




  • ATO、Centrelink和myGov不会发送带有超链接的消息。如果收到带有链接的消息,极有可能是骗局。
  • ATO不会通过二维码要求你登录账户。
  • ATO不会通过社交媒体要求你提供税号(TFN)、银行信息或myGov登录信息。诈骗者经常伪装成ATO或其他政府机构,在社交平台上诱导人们提供个人数据。ATO助理专员Tim Loh将这比作“把你家的钥匙交给陌生人,眼睁睁看着他们换锁。”
  • ATO不会通过录音消息通知你有税务债务,也不会因涉嫌犯罪活动或洗钱而取消或暂停你的TFN。
  • ATO不会发起包括你、你的税务代理和某个自称为执法人员的人的电话会议。有些诈骗者假冒ATO代表,安排与虚假税务代理的电话会议,以欺骗受害者。
  • ATO不会要求你因myGov的安全更新而重新确认你的信息。如果你收到这样的请求,很可能是钓鱼骗局。








  • 投资骗局:诈骗者使用一种被称为“杀猪盘”的策略,通过社交媒体或消息应用程序与受害者建立长期信任。一旦建立信任,他们会引诱受害者投资虚假的加密货币或外汇平台。这些平台看似合法,显示虚假的收益,诱骗受害者投入更多资金。最终,诈骗者会卷走所有资金。另一种欺骗策略叫做“深度伪造骗局”。诈骗者使用AI生成的内容,例如名人的虚假视频或图片,推广虚假的投资计划。这些深度伪造视频通常在社交媒体上分享或通过消息发送。虽然一些不自然的面部动作或语音模式可能会露出马脚,但这些深度伪造的质量正在迅速提高。
  • 发票骗局:网络犯罪分子先获取企业系统的访问权限,识别供应商,然后使用合法企业的名称和信息发送虚假发票,资金则被转入诈骗者的账户。
  • 银行骗局:有些诈骗者假装是银行,给人们打电话,声称他们的账户有问题,并指导受害者将资金转入所谓的“安全账户”。受害者通常会相信这些诈骗者,因为他们似乎知道大量的个人信息。




  • 关于myGov诈骗:如果你下载了假myGov应用,分享了你的信息,或点击了可疑链接,请立即联系澳大利亚服务局的诈骗与身份盗窃帮助热线1800 941 126,或在线寻求帮助
  • 关于税务诈骗:在采取任何行动之前,请联系你的税务代理验证指令。如果你已经上当受骗,请立即拨打ATO电话1800 008 540报告问题。

皮特马丁会计师事务所 Pitt Martin Group 是一家提供税务,会计,生意咨询, 自管养老金及审计的贷款等综合性服务的经澳洲会计师公会认证的注册会计师事务所。我们每年会花上几百个小时去研究新的税法,以保证我们的客户可以最大化合理避税。我们的中文联系方式是 Robert Liu +61292213345 或邮件。皮特马丁会计师事务所Pitt Martin Group坐落在交通便利的悉尼市市中心,是一家拥有可以说中文合伙人的会计师事务所。我们的荣誉包括2018年CPA新州首席优秀奖, 2020年澳大利亚小生意年度冠军入围奖, 2021年澳洲知名媒体《每日会计师》年度最佳会计师事务所冠军入围奖,2022年最佳会计师事务所新人入围奖和2023香港澳大利亚商业协会最佳积极生意入围奖。

皮特马丁会计师事务所 Pitt Martin Group资质包括超过十五年的从业经验,澳大利亚注册会计师协会(CPA)执业认证会员,澳大利亚税务注册代理,新州、维州和西澳律师协会信托账户 (Trust Account) 认证审计师,澳大利亚金融贷款经纪人协会(FBAA)执业认证会员,澳大利亚证券及投资委员会注册代理,XERO, QUICKBOOKS, MYOB等会计软件授权单位及认证顾问。


By Yvonne Shao @ Pitt Martin Tax

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Tax Identity Theft: The Growing Threat of myGov Scams

When accessing your myGov account, you notice that your activity statements from the past year have been modified, and $100,000 in GST credits have been issued. The problem? You weren’t the one who made these changes, and there’s no sign of a $100,000 refund in your bank account. What should you do now?

This scenario is becoming increasingly common as scammers target myGov accounts for their wealth of personal data. They change bank details and file fake refunds, using your identity to claim large sums of money. From the outside, it looks like it’s all coming from you. The worst part is, you may have unknowingly helped these fraudsters access your account.

And it’s not just activity statements being manipulated. Scammers are targeting any myGov-linked service that can issue payments or refunds. They use legal loopholes and amendment windows in tax law to adjust tax data, leading to fraudulent refunds on personal income tax, GST, or pay-as-you-go (PAYG) instalments. The level of knowledge these scammers have about Australia’s tax and social systems is impressive—and concerning.

Once they gain control of your myGov account, they can wreak havoc.

How does this happen?

Human error is often at fault. Many scams start with phishing attempts. Around 79% of reported tax-related scams over the past year have come through email, while 18% have been through SMS. These scams mimic official messages that seem legitimate, with scammers using several common strategies:

  • Fake warnings about unauthorized access attempts, prompting you to click a link and verify your details.
  • Offers of supposed rewards, like a tax refund, with a link you must click to claim.
  • Messages resembling official notifications from the Australian Tax Office (ATO), complete with a link to view the message.

The ATO reported that 75% of all email scams up to March 2024 involved a counterfeit myGov login page.

How to recognize a scam

You might first notice suspicious activity through alerts from myGov—ironically, the same kinds of alerts scammers may have used to access your account. However, there are clear ways to identify a fake:

  • The ATO, Centrelink, and myGov never send messages with clickable links. If a message includes one, it’s likely a scam.
  • The ATO doesn’t use QR codes to direct you to your account.
  • The ATO will never ask for your tax file number (TFN), bank details, or myGov login information through social media platforms. Scammers often impersonate ATO or government agencies on social media to trick people into sharing personal data. Assistant Commissioner Tim Loh compares this to ‘handing your house keys to a stranger and watching them change the locks.’
  • The ATO will not send pre-recorded messages about tax debt. It won’t cancel or suspend your TFN due to suspicious activity or tell you to transfer funds to a “safe” account.
  • The ATO won’t initiate a conference call with you, your tax agent, and someone claiming to be from law enforcement. Some scammers pretend to be ATO representatives and stage fake calls with fraudulent tax agents to deceive victims.
  • The ATO will not ask you to update your details due to a security issue with myGov. If you receive such a request, it’s likely a phishing attempt.

In general, you should avoid clicking on links in emails or messages. Instead, log directly into your myGov account to review any alerts or updates.

And remember: never log into myGov while using public Wi-Fi.

Who gets scammed?

While many assume older adults are the most vulnerable to scams, younger people are increasingly falling victim. The ATO reports that individuals aged 25 to 34 are the most likely to provide personal information to scammers. Younger people are also particularly susceptible to investment scams.

The AFP-led Joint Policing Cybercrime Coordination Centre (JPC3) notes that Australians under 50 are now more frequently targeted by investment scams than older citizens. During the 2023-24 financial year, Australians lost $382 million to investment fraud, with almost half of those losses involving cryptocurrency.

Other types of scams

Scammers aren’t limited to tax fraud—they will exploit any opportunity to steal money:

  • Investment scams: Scammers engage in a tactic known as ‘pig butchering’, where they build trust with victims over time through social media or messaging apps. Once trust is established, they lure victims into investing in fake cryptocurrency or foreign exchange platforms. These platforms are often designed to look legitimate, showing fake profits to convince victims to invest more money. Eventually, the scammers disappear with all the funds. Another type is called ‘deepface scams’ that scammers use AI-generated content, such as fake videos or images of public figures, to promote fraudulent investments. These deepfakes can be very convincing and are often shared through social media or direct messages. While subtle clues like unnatural facial movements or odd speech patterns can be giveaways, the quality of these deepfakes is improving rapidly.
  • Invoice scams: Cybercriminals gain access to business systems, identify suppliers, and use legitimate company details to send fake invoices. The money is then diverted to scammer-controlled accounts.
  • Bank scams: Some scammers call people pretending to be from their bank, claiming there’s an issue with their account. They guide the victim through a series of steps that eventually result in transferring money to a scammer’s ‘safe’ account. Victims often trust the scammers because they seem to know a lot of personal information.

It’s important to know that your bank will never request personal or account details via email or text. A recent survey by CHOICE found that four in five bank scam victims weren’t alerted by their bank before they transferred money to scammers.

The Australian Banking Association has announced that by the end of 2024, banks will implement new warning systems and payment delays, especially for high-risk transactions like cryptocurrency transfers.

What to do if you’ve been scammed

  • For myGov scams: If you’ve downloaded a fake app, shared your details, or clicked on a suspicious link, immediately contact the Services Australia Scams and Identity Theft Helpdesk at 1800 941 126 or seek assistance online.
  • For tax scams: Before acting on any instructions you receive, contact your tax agent for verification. If you’ve already been scammed, reach out to the ATO directly at 1800 008 540 to report the issue.

Pitt Martin Group is a CPA accounting firm, providing services including taxation, accounting, business consulting, self-managed superannuation funds, auditing and mortgage & finance. We spend hundreds of hours each year on training and researching new tax laws to ensure our clients can maximize legitimate tax benefit. Our contact information are phone +61292213345 or email Pitt Martin Group is located in the convenient transportation hub of Sydney’s central business district. Our honours include the 2018 CPA NSW President’s Award for Excellence, the 2020 Australian Small Business Champion Award Finalist, the 2021 Australia’s well-known media ‘Accountants Daily’ the Accounting Firm of the Year Award Finalist and the 2022 Start-up Firm of the Year Award Finalist, and the 2023 Hong Kong-Australia Business Association Business Award Finalist.

Pitt Martin Group qualifications include over fifteen years of professional experience in accounting industry, membership certification of the Australian Society of Certified Practising Accountants (CPA), Australian Taxation Registered Agents, certified External Examiner of the Law Societies of New South Wales, Victoria, and Western Australia Law Trust Accounts, membership certification of the Finance Brokers Association of Australia Limited (FBAA), Registered Agents of the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC), certified Advisor of accounting software such as XERO, QUICKBOOKS, MYOB, etc.

This content is for reference only and does not constitute advice on any individual or group’s specific situation. Any individual or group should take action only after consulting with professionals. Due to the timeliness of tax laws, we have endeavoured to provide timely and accurate information at the time of publication, but cannot guarantee that the content stated will remain applicable in the future. Please indicate the source when forwarding this content.

By Yvonne Shao @ Pitt Martin Tax

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