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Posts by Yvonne Shao


当你登录到你的myGov账户时,发现过去一年的”业务活动报表”(business activity statement,简称:BAS) 有申报记录,并且发放了10万澳元的GST退税。问题是,这并不是你做的税务申报,而且你的银行账户里也没有10万澳元的退款。那么现在该怎么办呢?






  • 发送关于未经授权的账户访问尝试的虚假警告,要求你点击链接并验证你的信息。
  • 提供所谓的奖励,例如税务退税,并要求你点击链接领取。
  • 模仿澳大利亚税务局(ATO)的官方通知,带有一个可以点击查看消息的链接。




  • ATO、Centrelink和myGov不会发送带有超链接的消息。如果收到带有链接的消息,极有可能是骗局。
  • ATO不会通过二维码要求你登录账户。
  • ATO不会通过社交媒体要求你提供税号(TFN)、银行信息或myGov登录信息。诈骗者经常伪装成ATO或其他政府机构,在社交平台上诱导人们提供个人数据。ATO助理专员Tim Loh将这比作“把你家的钥匙交给陌生人,眼睁睁看着他们换锁。”
  • ATO不会通过录音消息通知你有税务债务,也不会因涉嫌犯罪活动或洗钱而取消或暂停你的TFN。
  • ATO不会发起包括你、你的税务代理和某个自称为执法人员的人的电话会议。有些诈骗者假冒ATO代表,安排与虚假税务代理的电话会议,以欺骗受害者。
  • ATO不会要求你因myGov的安全更新而重新确认你的信息。如果你收到这样的请求,很可能是钓鱼骗局。








  • 投资骗局:诈骗者使用一种被称为“杀猪盘”的策略,通过社交媒体或消息应用程序与受害者建立长期信任。一旦建立信任,他们会引诱受害者投资虚假的加密货币或外汇平台。这些平台看似合法,显示虚假的收益,诱骗受害者投入更多资金。最终,诈骗者会卷走所有资金。另一种欺骗策略叫做“深度伪造骗局”。诈骗者使用AI生成的内容,例如名人的虚假视频或图片,推广虚假的投资计划。这些深度伪造视频通常在社交媒体上分享或通过消息发送。虽然一些不自然的面部动作或语音模式可能会露出马脚,但这些深度伪造的质量正在迅速提高。
  • 发票骗局:网络犯罪分子先获取企业系统的访问权限,识别供应商,然后使用合法企业的名称和信息发送虚假发票,资金则被转入诈骗者的账户。
  • 银行骗局:有些诈骗者假装是银行,给人们打电话,声称他们的账户有问题,并指导受害者将资金转入所谓的“安全账户”。受害者通常会相信这些诈骗者,因为他们似乎知道大量的个人信息。




  • 关于myGov诈骗:如果你下载了假myGov应用,分享了你的信息,或点击了可疑链接,请立即联系澳大利亚服务局的诈骗与身份盗窃帮助热线1800 941 126,或在线寻求帮助
  • 关于税务诈骗:在采取任何行动之前,请联系你的税务代理验证指令。如果你已经上当受骗,请立即拨打ATO电话1800 008 540报告问题。

皮特马丁会计师事务所 Pitt Martin Group 是一家提供税务,会计,生意咨询, 自管养老金及审计的贷款等综合性服务的经澳洲会计师公会认证的注册会计师事务所。我们每年会花上几百个小时去研究新的税法,以保证我们的客户可以最大化合理避税。我们的中文联系方式是 Robert Liu +61292213345 或邮件。皮特马丁会计师事务所Pitt Martin Group坐落在交通便利的悉尼市市中心,是一家拥有可以说中文合伙人的会计师事务所。我们的荣誉包括2018年CPA新州首席优秀奖, 2020年澳大利亚小生意年度冠军入围奖, 2021年澳洲知名媒体《每日会计师》年度最佳会计师事务所冠军入围奖,2022年最佳会计师事务所新人入围奖和2023香港澳大利亚商业协会最佳积极生意入围奖。

皮特马丁会计师事务所 Pitt Martin Group资质包括超过十五年的从业经验,澳大利亚注册会计师协会(CPA)执业认证会员,澳大利亚税务注册代理,新州、维州和西澳律师协会信托账户 (Trust Account) 认证审计师,澳大利亚金融贷款经纪人协会(FBAA)执业认证会员,澳大利亚证券及投资委员会注册代理,XERO, QUICKBOOKS, MYOB等会计软件授权单位及认证顾问。


By Yvonne Shao @ Pitt Martin Tax

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Tax Identity Theft: The Growing Threat of myGov Scams

When accessing your myGov account, you notice that your activity statements from the past year have been modified, and $100,000 in GST credits have been issued. The problem? You weren’t the one who made these changes, and there’s no sign of a $100,000 refund in your bank account. What should you do now?

This scenario is becoming increasingly common as scammers target myGov accounts for their wealth of personal data. They change bank details and file fake refunds, using your identity to claim large sums of money. From the outside, it looks like it’s all coming from you. The worst part is, you may have unknowingly helped these fraudsters access your account.

And it’s not just activity statements being manipulated. Scammers are targeting any myGov-linked service that can issue payments or refunds. They use legal loopholes and amendment windows in tax law to adjust tax data, leading to fraudulent refunds on personal income tax, GST, or pay-as-you-go (PAYG) instalments. The level of knowledge these scammers have about Australia’s tax and social systems is impressive—and concerning.

Once they gain control of your myGov account, they can wreak havoc.

How does this happen?

Human error is often at fault. Many scams start with phishing attempts. Around 79% of reported tax-related scams over the past year have come through email, while 18% have been through SMS. These scams mimic official messages that seem legitimate, with scammers using several common strategies:

  • Fake warnings about unauthorized access attempts, prompting you to click a link and verify your details.
  • Offers of supposed rewards, like a tax refund, with a link you must click to claim.
  • Messages resembling official notifications from the Australian Tax Office (ATO), complete with a link to view the message.

The ATO reported that 75% of all email scams up to March 2024 involved a counterfeit myGov login page.

How to recognize a scam

You might first notice suspicious activity through alerts from myGov—ironically, the same kinds of alerts scammers may have used to access your account. However, there are clear ways to identify a fake:

  • The ATO, Centrelink, and myGov never send messages with clickable links. If a message includes one, it’s likely a scam.
  • The ATO doesn’t use QR codes to direct you to your account.
  • The ATO will never ask for your tax file number (TFN), bank details, or myGov login information through social media platforms. Scammers often impersonate ATO or government agencies on social media to trick people into sharing personal data. Assistant Commissioner Tim Loh compares this to ‘handing your house keys to a stranger and watching them change the locks.’
  • The ATO will not send pre-recorded messages about tax debt. It won’t cancel or suspend your TFN due to suspicious activity or tell you to transfer funds to a “safe” account.
  • The ATO won’t initiate a conference call with you, your tax agent, and someone claiming to be from law enforcement. Some scammers pretend to be ATO representatives and stage fake calls with fraudulent tax agents to deceive victims.
  • The ATO will not ask you to update your details due to a security issue with myGov. If you receive such a request, it’s likely a phishing attempt.

In general, you should avoid clicking on links in emails or messages. Instead, log directly into your myGov account to review any alerts or updates.

And remember: never log into myGov while using public Wi-Fi.

Who gets scammed?

While many assume older adults are the most vulnerable to scams, younger people are increasingly falling victim. The ATO reports that individuals aged 25 to 34 are the most likely to provide personal information to scammers. Younger people are also particularly susceptible to investment scams.

The AFP-led Joint Policing Cybercrime Coordination Centre (JPC3) notes that Australians under 50 are now more frequently targeted by investment scams than older citizens. During the 2023-24 financial year, Australians lost $382 million to investment fraud, with almost half of those losses involving cryptocurrency.

Other types of scams

Scammers aren’t limited to tax fraud—they will exploit any opportunity to steal money:

  • Investment scams: Scammers engage in a tactic known as ‘pig butchering’, where they build trust with victims over time through social media or messaging apps. Once trust is established, they lure victims into investing in fake cryptocurrency or foreign exchange platforms. These platforms are often designed to look legitimate, showing fake profits to convince victims to invest more money. Eventually, the scammers disappear with all the funds. Another type is called ‘deepface scams’ that scammers use AI-generated content, such as fake videos or images of public figures, to promote fraudulent investments. These deepfakes can be very convincing and are often shared through social media or direct messages. While subtle clues like unnatural facial movements or odd speech patterns can be giveaways, the quality of these deepfakes is improving rapidly.
  • Invoice scams: Cybercriminals gain access to business systems, identify suppliers, and use legitimate company details to send fake invoices. The money is then diverted to scammer-controlled accounts.
  • Bank scams: Some scammers call people pretending to be from their bank, claiming there’s an issue with their account. They guide the victim through a series of steps that eventually result in transferring money to a scammer’s ‘safe’ account. Victims often trust the scammers because they seem to know a lot of personal information.

It’s important to know that your bank will never request personal or account details via email or text. A recent survey by CHOICE found that four in five bank scam victims weren’t alerted by their bank before they transferred money to scammers.

The Australian Banking Association has announced that by the end of 2024, banks will implement new warning systems and payment delays, especially for high-risk transactions like cryptocurrency transfers.

What to do if you’ve been scammed

  • For myGov scams: If you’ve downloaded a fake app, shared your details, or clicked on a suspicious link, immediately contact the Services Australia Scams and Identity Theft Helpdesk at 1800 941 126 or seek assistance online.
  • For tax scams: Before acting on any instructions you receive, contact your tax agent for verification. If you’ve already been scammed, reach out to the ATO directly at 1800 008 540 to report the issue.

Pitt Martin Group is a CPA accounting firm, providing services including taxation, accounting, business consulting, self-managed superannuation funds, auditing and mortgage & finance. We spend hundreds of hours each year on training and researching new tax laws to ensure our clients can maximize legitimate tax benefit. Our contact information are phone +61292213345 or email Pitt Martin Group is located in the convenient transportation hub of Sydney’s central business district. Our honours include the 2018 CPA NSW President’s Award for Excellence, the 2020 Australian Small Business Champion Award Finalist, the 2021 Australia’s well-known media ‘Accountants Daily’ the Accounting Firm of the Year Award Finalist and the 2022 Start-up Firm of the Year Award Finalist, and the 2023 Hong Kong-Australia Business Association Business Award Finalist.

Pitt Martin Group qualifications include over fifteen years of professional experience in accounting industry, membership certification of the Australian Society of Certified Practising Accountants (CPA), Australian Taxation Registered Agents, certified External Examiner of the Law Societies of New South Wales, Victoria, and Western Australia Law Trust Accounts, membership certification of the Finance Brokers Association of Australia Limited (FBAA), Registered Agents of the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC), certified Advisor of accounting software such as XERO, QUICKBOOKS, MYOB, etc.

This content is for reference only and does not constitute advice on any individual or group’s specific situation. Any individual or group should take action only after consulting with professionals. Due to the timeliness of tax laws, we have endeavoured to provide timely and accurate information at the time of publication, but cannot guarantee that the content stated will remain applicable in the future. Please indicate the source when forwarding this content.

By Yvonne Shao @ Pitt Martin Tax

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澳大利亚证券和投资委员会 (ASIC) 最近报告称,与上一财年相比,企业破产数量显著增加了39%。建筑业、住宿和餐饮服务业是受影响最严重的行业之一。




澳大利亚储备银行的Michelle Bull最近评论了经济市场日益增长的压力。她指出,前景不如从前乐观,生产力也在滞后。这一情况凸显了企业管理者需保持清晰财务认知的重要性,早期发现并解决问题,防止它们恶化。



  1. 无效的战略管理
  2. 现金流不佳或支出过多
  3. 运营亏损



  • 业绩不佳:当业绩显著低于预算时。
  • 固定成本增加:在收入没有相应增加的情况下,固定成本的上升会损害营利能力。固定成本在业务活动水平不变时保持不变,因此任何上升如果没有收入增长支持,都会产生不利影响。
  • 毛利率下降:销售额与销售成本之间的差距缩小,直接减少净利润。
  • 过度依赖债务:严重依赖债务而非股权融资会导致财务不稳定。
  • 销售额下降:销售额下降会产生连锁反应,抑制增长并减少利润。
  • 延迟支付债权人:单靠良好的销售情况并不足以应对现金流问题,可能导致无法及时支付债权人。
  • 超出现金流支出:希望未来的收入能支付当前的费用,这是一种高风险策略。
  • 财务报告系统不完善:在缺乏清晰财务可视性的情况下运营,犹如蒙着眼睛开车。
  • 过度扩张:当销售增长速度超过企业的承受能力时,快速增长会压垮企业。
  • 大量坏账或无法出售的库存:未支付账单的客户和无法出售的库存会消耗资源。

皮特马丁会计师事务所 Pitt Martin Group 是一家提供税务,会计,生意咨询, 自管养老金及审计的贷款等综合性服务的经澳洲会计师公会认证的注册会计师事务所。我们每年会花上几百个小时去研究新的税法,以保证我们的客户可以最大化合理避税。我们的中文联系方式是 Robert Liu +61292213345 或邮件。皮特马丁会计师事务所Pitt Martin Group坐落在交通便利的悉尼市市中心,是一家拥有可以说中文合伙人的会计师事务所。我们的荣誉包括2018年CPA新州首席优秀奖, 2020年澳大利亚小生意年度冠军入围奖, 2021年澳洲知名媒体《每日会计师》年度最佳会计师事务所冠军入围奖,2022年最佳会计师事务所新人入围奖和2023香港澳大利亚商业协会最佳积极生意入围奖。

皮特马丁会计师事务所 Pitt Martin Group资质包括超过十五年的从业经验,澳大利亚注册会计师协会(CPA)执业认证会员,澳大利亚税务注册代理,新州、维州和西澳律师协会信托账户 (Trust Account) 认证审计师,澳大利亚金融贷款经纪人协会(FBAA)执业认证会员,澳大利亚证券及投资委员会注册代理,XERO, QUICKBOOKS, MYOB等会计软件授权单位及认证顾问。


By Yvonne Shao @ Pitt Martin Tax

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Sharp Increase in Business Bankruptcies

The Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) recently reported a significant 39% uptick in corporate insolvencies compared to the previous financial year. Industries like construction, accommodation, and food services have been hit the hardest by this surge.

Restructuring Trends and Survival Rates

In the financial year 2023-24, there was an over 200% rise in restructuring efforts. Small businesses with liabilities under $1 million have the option to engage in restructuring processes. This allows them to keep control of their operations while formulating a recovery plan with the help of a restructuring expert. The goal is to establish an agreement with creditors.

Out of the 573 companies that began restructuring after January 1, 2021, and finished their restructuring plan by June 30, 2024, 89.4% were still registered as of June 30, 2024, while 5.4% had entered liquidation, and 5.2% were deregistered.

Michelle Bull from the Reserve Bank of Australia recently commented on the growing pressures within the business sector. She noted that the outlook is not as positive as it once was, and productivity is also lagging. This situation highlights the importance for managers to maintain a clear understanding of their financial health. Identifying and addressing issues early can prevent them from escalating.

Key Factors Behind Business Failures

A company is considered insolvent when it cannot meet its debt obligations on time. The top three reasons for business failure include:

  1. Ineffective strategic management
  2. Poor cash flow or excessive spending
  3. Operating losses

Recognizing Warning Signs

It’s easy for businesses to miss early warning signs, leading to an over-reliance on hope that conditions will improve. Common signs of trouble include:

  • Underperformance: When results fall significantly short of budget projections.
  • Rising Fixed Costs: Increasing fixed costs without a corresponding revenue increase can harm profitability. Fixed costs remain the same regardless of business activity, so any rise can be detrimental if not matched by growth in revenue.
  • Declining Gross Profit Margins: A shrinking margin between sales and the cost of goods sold directly reduces net profit.
  • Over-Reliance on Debt: Relying heavily on debt rather than equity financing can lead to financial instability.
  • Falling Sales: A drop in sales can have a ripple effect, stifling growth and reducing profits.
  • Delayed Payments to Creditors: Good sales alone aren’t enough if cash flow issues prevent timely payment to creditors.
  • Overspending: Spending beyond the business’s cash flow, hoping future income will cover today’s expenses, is a risky strategy.
  • Inadequate Financial Reporting: Operating without clear financial visibility is like flying blind.
  • Overexpansion: Rapid growth can overwhelm a business if sales outpace the company’s capacity to sustain them.
  • Significant Bad Debts or Unsellable Inventory: Customers who fail to pay and stock that doesn’t sell can drain resources.

Pitt Martin Group is a CPA accounting firm, providing services including taxation, accounting, business consulting, self-managed superannuation funds, auditing and mortgage & finance. We spend hundreds of hours each year on training and researching new tax laws to ensure our clients can maximize legitimate tax benefit. Our contact information are phone +61292213345 or email Pitt Martin Group is located in the convenient transportation hub of Sydney’s central business district. Our honours include the 2018 CPA NSW President’s Award for Excellence, the 2020 Australian Small Business Champion Award Finalist, the 2021 Australia’s well-known media ‘Accountants Daily’ the Accounting Firm of the Year Award Finalist and the 2022 Start-up Firm of the Year Award Finalist, and the 2023 Hong Kong-Australia Business Association Business Award Finalist.

Pitt Martin Group qualifications include over fifteen years of professional experience in accounting industry, membership certification of the Australian Society of Certified Practising Accountants (CPA), Australian Taxation Registered Agents, certified External Examiner of the Law Societies of New South Wales, Victoria, and Western Australia Law Trust Accounts, membership certification of the Finance Brokers Association of Australia Limited (FBAA), Registered Agents of the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC), certified Advisor of accounting software such as XERO, QUICKBOOKS, MYOB, etc.

This content is for reference only and does not constitute advice on any individual or group’s specific situation. Any individual or group should take action only after consulting with professionals. Due to the timeliness of tax laws, we have endeavoured to provide timely and accurate information at the time of publication, but cannot guarantee that the content stated will remain applicable in the future. Please indicate the source when forwarding this content.

By Yvonne Shao @ Pitt Martin Tax

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What's Ahead for 2024-25






















皮特马丁会计师事务所 Pitt Martin Group 是一家提供税务,会计,生意咨询, 自管养老金及审计的贷款等综合性服务的经澳洲会计师公会认证的注册会计师事务所。我们每年会花上几百个小时去研究新的税法,以保证我们的客户可以最大化合理避税。我们的中文联系方式是 Robert Liu +61292213345 或邮件。皮特马丁会计师事务所Pitt Martin Group坐落在交通便利的悉尼市市中心,是一家拥有可以说中文合伙人的会计师事务所。我们的荣誉包括2018年CPA新州首席优秀奖, 2020年澳大利亚小生意年度冠军入围奖, 2021年澳洲知名媒体《每日会计师》年度最佳会计师事务所冠军入围奖,2022年最佳会计师事务所新人入围奖和2023香港澳大利亚商业协会最佳积极生意入围奖。

皮特马丁会计师事务所 Pitt Martin Group资质包括超过十五年的从业经验,澳大利亚注册会计师协会(CPA)执业认证会员,澳大利亚税务注册代理,新州、维州和西澳律师协会信托账户 (Trust Account) 认证审计师,澳大利亚金融贷款经纪人协会(FBAA)执业认证会员,澳大利亚证券及投资委员会注册代理,XERO, QUICKBOOKS, MYOB等会计软件授权单位及认证顾问。


By Yvonne Shao @ Pitt Martin Tax

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What's Ahead for 2024-25

Navigating Changes for 2024-25

Personal Tax and Superannuation

As of 1 July 2024, personal income tax cuts are now active. Additionally, the superannuation guarantee (SG) rate has increased by 0.5% to 11.5%. Employers need to update their payroll systems, including salary sacrifice agreements, to accommodate these changes. PAYG withholding will also be affected.

The ATO has reminded employers to ensure they are meeting their super guarantee obligations. The definition of an employee for SG purposes is broad, including temporary residents, backpackers, certain company directors, family members working in the business, and some contractors. Make sure your classifications are accurate.

Employers must verify that the correct fund details and tax file numbers are provided to the super fund for their employees. SG payments must be made into the employee’s fund by the quarterly due date, with the next payments due by 28 July. Missing the deadline incurs the super guarantee charge (SGC), which includes the outstanding SG, 10% annual interest from the start of the quarter, and an administration fee. SGC amounts are not tax-deductible.

Wage Increases

From 1 July 2024, the national minimum wage has increased by 3.75% to $24.10 per hour, or $915.90 per week. This increase applies from the first full pay period on or after 1 July 2024. Typically, there is no direct link between minimum wage increases and inflation.

Private sector annual wage growth slightly decreased to 4.1% in the March quarter of 2024 from 4.2% in December 2023, indicating that wage growth may be stabilizing.

Interest Rates and Cost of Living

RBA Governor Michelle Bullock has highlighted that inflation is the main cause of cost of living pressures, not interest rates. Interest rates are used by the RBA to control inflation. Since inflation is easing more slowly than expected, the RBA may make further adjustments. Inflation dropped from 7.8% in December 2022 to 3.6% in the March quarter but rose again to 4% in May, affecting hopes for stable interest rates.

Business Confidence

The latest NAB business survey shows a decline in business confidence, which fell into negative territory in May as conditions continued to soften. Businesses have faced eight consecutive months of declining forward orders, leading to a cautious outlook. GDP saw marginal growth in the March quarter, while per capita consumption continued to decline. However, the labor market remains strong, with unemployment at 4% in May.

Treasury forecasts a slight improvement in economic growth (GDP) to 2% in 2024-25, a modest but credible outlook.

Migration and Labor

Post-pandemic, Australia saw a surge in migration with the return of international students, working holiday makers, and temporary skilled labor to address shortages. In the year ending 30 June 2023, overseas migration added a net gain of 518,000 people to Australia’s population, the highest on record.

The 2024-25 Federal Budget estimates a drop in net migration to 260,000. While migration pressures on housing have been well-publicized, the positive impact on labor supply was significant. Post-COVID, Australia faced severe labor shortages that hindered supply chain recovery.

From 1 January 2025, student visa numbers will be capped. Student visa grants were already down 34% in March 2024 compared to the same period in 2023. The government’s focus is shifting towards skilled migration, with an increase of 7,175 employer-sponsored places, although skilled independent visas will decrease by 13,475. The minimum salary requirement for sponsoring an employee (Temporary Skilled Migration Income Threshold) will rise to $73,150 from 1 July 2024.

Strategic Business Management

Businesses often fail because they don’t understand or monitor their operations effectively. Managers need to stay on top of their numbers to identify and address issues early. Profitability issues can weaken a business, but cash flow problems can be fatal. It’s crucial to plan, track, and measure cash flow, including managing debtor collections and inventory and maintaining a rolling three-month cash flow position to provide early warnings of potential problems.

Effective business management also involves overseeing cash flows, operating budgets, cost control, and debt management. By maintaining control over these areas, businesses can reduce their risk exposure.

Small businesses often absorb increasing costs. Raising prices during challenging times is not a betrayal; it’s a necessity. If the cost of doing business rises, this should be reflected in pricing unless the business can afford to make less for the same effort or is in a highly price-sensitive industry following the lead of larger competitors.

Pitt Martin Group is a CPA accounting firm, providing services including taxation, accounting, business consulting, self-managed superannuation funds, auditing and mortgage & finance. We spend hundreds of hours each year on training and researching new tax laws to ensure our clients can maximize legitimate tax benefit. Our contact information are phone +61292213345 or email Pitt Martin Group is located in the convenient transportation hub of Sydney’s central business district. Our honours include the 2018 CPA NSW President’s Award for Excellence, the 2020 Australian Small Business Champion Award Finalist, the 2021 Australia’s well-known media ‘Accountants Daily’ the Accounting Firm of the Year Award Finalist and the 2022 Start-up Firm of the Year Award Finalist, and the 2023 Hong Kong-Australia Business Association Business Award Finalist.

Pitt Martin Group qualifications include over fifteen years of professional experience in accounting industry, membership certification of the Australian Society of Certified Practising Accountants (CPA), Australian Taxation Registered Agents, certified External Examiner of the Law Societies of New South Wales, Victoria, and Western Australia Law Trust Accounts, membership certification of the Finance Brokers Association of Australia Limited (FBAA), Registered Agents of the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC), certified Advisor of accounting software such as XERO, QUICKBOOKS, MYOB, etc.

This content is for reference only and does not constitute advice on any individual or group’s specific situation. Any individual or group should take action only after consulting with professionals. Due to the timeliness of tax laws, we have endeavoured to provide timely and accurate information at the time of publication, but cannot guarantee that the content stated will remain applicable in the future. Please indicate the source when forwarding this content.

By Yvonne Shao @ Pitt Martin Tax

Read more
Federal Budget 2024-25 Tax Insight









0%$0 – $18,200$0 – $18,200
16% $18,201 – $45,000
19%$18,201 – $45,000 
30% $45,001 – $135,000
32.5%$45,001 – $120,000 
37%$120,001 – $180,000$135,001 – $190,000


30% $0 – $135,000
32.5%$0 – $120,000 
37%$120,001 – $180,000$135,001 – $190,000


15%0 – $45,0000 – $45,000
30% $45,001 – $135,000
32.5%$45,001 – $120,000 
37%$120,001 – $180,000$135,001 – $190,000

医疗税收豁免的低收入起征点(Medicare Levy low-income threshold)提高



类别原起征点( 30/06/2023为止)现起征点(01/07/2023开始)
单身(Singles )$24,276$26,000
家庭(Families )$40,939$43,846
单身 – 老年人及抚恤金领取者 (Single – seniors and pensioners )$38,365$41,089
家庭 – 老年人及 抚恤 金领取者 (Family – seniors and pensioners)$53,406$57,198
家庭 – 每名受抚养儿童或学生 (Family – for each dependent child or student)t[1]$3,760$4,027

这些调整反映了最近的CPI变化,确保低收入纳税人通常免于支付医疗税收(Medicare levy).



每户家庭将在2024-2025年度的能源账单中获得300澳元的抵扣额,这笔款项将在每三个月自动分期支付。符合条件的小企业也将获得$325的能源补贴。该计划在2023-24年开始的三年内将花费35亿澳元,持续并扩展为能源账单减免基金(the Energy Bill Relief Fund)。



从2023年6月1日起,政府将高等教育贷款计划 (HELP)通胀率设为消费者价格指数(CPI)或工资价格指数(WPI),取其较低值。这一变化影响到所有在2023年6月1日活跃的高等教育贷款计划 (HELP)、VET学生贷款、澳大利亚学徒支持贷款(Australian Apprenticeship Support Loans)和其他学生贷款。


• 2023年的7.1%降至3.2%

• 2024年的4.7%降至约4%。


拥有平均$26,500 HELP债务的贷款者今年将节省约$1,200澳元,具体取决于新法的批准。

高等教育贷款计划 (HELP)债务的预计通胀减少金额

30/06/2023HELP债务金额2023 2024年估计总通胀减少金额*








从澳洲福利署(Centrelink)或退伍军人事务部(Department of Veterans Affairs)领取付款的人,以及那些领取家庭税收福利的人,如果他们的租金或每两周支付类似付款超过设定金额,也可能获得租房补助。









• 超过这一限制或超过允许的临时中断护理天数的护理付款接受者,其付款将暂停最长六个月,而不是完全停止。

• 接受者还可以选择在超出参与限制时单独临时中断护理,而不是目前至少七天的要求。






冻结社会保障推定收益率(Deeming rates)

日期12 个月直至30/06/2025

当澳洲福利署(Centrelink)或退伍军人事务部(Department of Veterans Affairs)计算付款时,他们不是根据您的投资(如银行账户、定期存款、股票和管理基金)的实际收入,而是根据这些投资的总价值假定一个固定的回报率。政府计划将这些固定利率(如下所示)保持不变,直到2025年7月1日。





• 从2025年1月1日至2025年12月31日,您支付的PBS药品费用不会上涨。从2026年1月1日起,这些费用将再次上涨。

• 如果您持有优惠卡,从2025年1月1日至2029年12月31日,您支付的PBS药品费用不会上涨。从2030年1月1日起,这些费用将开始增加。





1. 私人住房开发:政府计划在本十年末前建造120万套住房。2023-24年预算引入了新的措施,鼓励对住房项目,特别是可负担租赁住房的投资。然而,实施这些激励措施所需的立法刚刚发布,这对于确定性和大规模投资至关重要。

2. 支持首次购房者:2023-24年预算优先帮助首次购房者,通过“帮助购买”计划(the Help to Buy scheme)在十年内提供55亿澳元的资金。自那以后,未宣布新的激励措施。

3. 危机和社会住房支持:政府拨款10亿澳元用于危机和过渡性住房,以帮助弱势群体,如逃离家庭暴力的妇女、儿童和青年。此外,2023-24年预算将联邦租金补助提高了15%。


• 向各州和领地提供10亿澳元,用于新住房的基础设施建设,如道路、下水道和能源。

• 引入新的93亿澳元的《国家社会住房和无家可归协议》,为期五年。这包括将联邦对无家可归的资助增加一倍,每年达到4亿澳元,并且州和领地政府将提供匹配资金。



如前所述,政府承诺在五年内提供近10亿澳元,使“离开暴力计划”( Leaving Violence Program)永久化。该计划通过提供经济支持、安全检查和转介帮助逃离暴力的人。符合条件的人可以获得最多$5000澳元的经济援助,以及转介、风险评估和安全规划。





• 明确和扩大外国居民必须支付资本利得税的资产种类。

• 将主要资产的测试从单一时间点改为365天的期间。

• 要求外国居民在出售价值超过$2000万澳元的股票或其他所有权权益前通知澳洲税务局(ATO)。

目前,外国居民在出售属于“应税澳大利亚房产”(Taxable Australian Property or TAP)的澳大利亚财产时必须支付资本利得税。这些规则确保非澳大利亚居民在出售与澳大利亚土地密切相关并用于澳大利亚业务的财产时支付澳大利亚税款。









从2024年至2025年,约100万小企业将获得$325澳元的能源账单折扣。这项支持将每三个月发放一次。 家庭也将获得300澳元的能源补贴。 该措施将从2023年至2024年起三年内耗资35亿澳元,扩展了能源账单补贴基金(Energy Bill Relief Fund)。


日期从01/07/2023 至30/06/2025


“即时资产抵扣”意味着企业可以在购买和使用或安装资产的同一年将资产的全部成本作为税收扣除申报。 对于注册GST的企业,资产成本必须在扣除任何GST抵免后低于2万澳元。对于未注册的企业,成本必须包括GST后低于2万澳元。 每项资产都可以单独抵扣,允许企业扣除多个资产的成本。 这些规则仅适用于适用折旧规则的资产。对建筑物的资本改进不符合条件。

价值2万澳元或以上的资产不能立即扣除。相反,如果企业选择简化折旧方法,可以将这些资产放入小企业折旧池中,第一年折旧率为15%,随后每年折旧率为30%。 小企业如果选择退出简化折旧,则五年内不得重新进入的规定将暂停执行至2025年6月30日。


澳大利亚制造未来计划(Future Made in Australia)






• 关键矿物生产的税收激励,从2027-28年到2040-41年,支持澳大利亚31种关键矿物的提炼和加工。激励金额为加工和提炼成本的10%,适用于每个将在2030年前达到最终投资决策的项目,为期最长10年。

• 氢气生产税收激励,也从2027-28年到2040-41年,适用于可再生氢气的生产者。每生产一公斤可再生氢气,将获得2澳元的税收激励,为期最长10年,适用于将在2030年前达到最终投资决策的项目。



• 2024-25年提供1020万澳元用于关键矿物共用处理设施的预可行性研究。

• 从2024-25年起十年内提供13亿澳元,用于氢气领先计划,支持早期可再生氢气项目。

• 从2024-25年起四年内提供1710万澳元,用于2024年国家氢气战略,包括规划、社会许可和安全培训。

• 从2027-28年起七年内提供15亿澳元,用于澳大利亚可再生能源署的可再生能源投资。

• 从2024-25年起十年内提供17亿澳元,用于澳大利亚制造未来创新基金,重点关注优先领域的项目。

• 从2023-24年起十一年内提供14亿澳元,用于支持清洁能源技术的制造。

• 从2024-25年起四年内提供2090万澳元,用于进一步咨询低碳液体燃料的激励措施。

• 从2024-25年起六年内提供1810万澳元,用于绿色金属行业的基础性举措。

• 从2024-25年起四年内提供1140万澳元,用于加速绿色氢气和绿色金属的原产地担保计划。





  • 公司在澳大利亚制作剧情片符合条件支出的40%。
  • 公司在澳大利亚制作其他影片符合条件支出的20%。



  • 取消内容的最低长度规定。
  • 取消对某些制作成本支出限制为总支出的20%的上限。




  • 改善小企业的支付速度,包括公开标识支付慢的企业。
  • 支持小企业主的心理健康和财务健康,包括延长小企业债务热线和小企业主的新接入计划,这些计划提供量身定制的、免费的和私人的心理健康支持。
  • 根据2023年Schaper审查,更新加盟经营行为守则,投资300万澳元重新制定和改进守则。这包括促进加盟商和总部之间的最佳行为规范,并使小企业更容易运营,包括更好地获得争议解决。
  • 向澳大利亚小企业和家庭企业监察员提供260万澳元,以帮助小企业解决争议。


皮特马丁会计师事务所 Pitt Martin Group 是一家提供税务,会计,生意咨询, 自管养老金及审计的贷款等综合性服务的经澳洲会计师公会认证的注册会计师事务所。我们每年会花上几百个小时去研究新的税法,以保证我们的客户可以最大化合理避税。我们的中文联系方式是 Robert Liu +61292213345 或邮件。皮特马丁会计师事务所Pitt Martin Group坐落在交通便利的悉尼市市中心,是一家拥有可以说中文合伙人的会计师事务所。我们的荣誉包括2018年CPA新州首席优秀奖, 2020年澳大利亚小生意年度冠军入围奖, 2021年澳洲知名媒体《每日会计师》年度最佳会计师事务所冠军入围奖,2022年最佳会计师事务所新人入围奖和2023香港澳大利亚商业协会最佳积极生意入围奖。

皮特马丁会计师事务所 Pitt Martin Group资质包括超过十五年的从业经验,澳大利亚注册会计师协会(CPA)执业认证会员,澳大利亚税务注册代理,新州、维州和西澳律师协会信托账户 (Trust Account) 认证审计师,澳大利亚金融贷款经纪人协会(FBAA)执业认证会员,澳大利亚证券及投资委员会注册代理,XERO, QUICKBOOKS, MYOB等会计软件授权单位及认证顾问。


By Yvonne Shao @ Pitt Martin Tax

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针对普遍存在的公司资金滥用问题,ATO已启动了一项教育运动,以突显与此类行为相关的严重税务后果。根据税法第7A条款 (Division 7A,之后简称Div 7A)的规定,相关法规针对私人公司向股东或其关联方提供贷款、付款或债务豁免的情况。此条款旨在防止股东未缴纳适当税款的情况下获取公司利润或资产。

根据Div 7A的规定,如果提供了利益,接收方被视为已收到未完税的股息用于税收目的,应按其个人边际税率征税。然而,这种不利的税务后果可以通过在公司纳税申报截止日期之前还款或建立符合标准的贷款协议来减轻,其中规定了以基准利率为基础的每年最低还款额。

尽管Div 7A自1997年起已生效,但普遍存在着诸如公司资产使用不准确、不合规贷款、再融资以覆盖Div 7A负债、以及利息率错误应用等合规问题。这使公司为股东和其关联方提供的利益的税务后果很快就变得复杂。然而,遵循几项基本实践操作可以帮助避免复杂性:

  • 避免使用公司资金支付个人费用。
  • 保持全面的记录,记录所有公司交易,包括与关联信托、股东及其关联方有关的交易。
  • 确保向股东或其关联方提供的任何贷款都得到书面协议的支持,协议条款符合合规标准,从而防止整个贷款金额被视为未完税的股息。

在处理Div 7A问题时,遵守严格的截止日期至关重要。例如,贷款的偿还或实施合规贷款协议必须在公司纳税申报截止日期或相关年度的递交日期之前完成。

总之,ATO对公司资金滥用的打击凸显了遵守税法规定和保持财务交易透明度的重要性。通过遵循规定的指南和采用最佳实践,业主可以避免潜在的税务责任,并确保符合Div 7A的要求。

皮特马丁会计师事务所 Pitt Martin Group 是一家提供税务,会计,生意咨询, 自管养老金及审计的贷款等综合性服务的经澳洲会计师公会认证的注册会计师事务所。我们每年会花上几百个小时去研究新的税法,以保证我们的客户可以最大化合理避税。我们的中文联系方式是 Robert Liu +61292213345 或邮件。皮特马丁会计师事务所Pitt Martin Group坐落在交通便利的悉尼市市中心,是一家拥有可以说中文合伙人的会计师事务所。我们的荣誉包括2018年CPA新州首席优秀奖, 2020年澳大利亚小生意年度冠军入围奖, 2021年澳洲知名媒体《每日会计师》年度最佳会计师事务所冠军入围奖,2022年最佳会计师事务所新人入围奖和2023香港澳大利亚商业协会最佳积极生意入围奖。

皮特马丁会计师事务所 Pitt Martin Group资质包括超过十五年的从业经验,澳大利亚注册会计师协会(CPA)执业认证会员,澳大利亚税务注册代理,新州、维州和西澳律师协会信托账户 (Trust Account) 认证审计师,澳大利亚金融贷款经纪人协会(FBAA)执业认证会员,澳大利亚证券及投资委员会注册代理,XERO, QUICKBOOKS, MYOB等会计软件授权单位及认证顾问。


By Yvonne Shao @ Pitt Martin Tax

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Crackdown on Misuse of Company Funds

Utilizing company resources for personal gain is a common practice among business owners, often blurring the line between their business and personal life. However, the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) is intensifying its efforts to curb such practices, citing violations of tax laws.

In response to the prevalent misuse of company assets, the ATO has initiated an educational campaign to highlight the grave tax implications associated with these actions. Under Division 7A of the tax law, regulations target scenarios where private companies extend benefits to shareholders or their associates through loans, payments, or debt forgiveness. This provision aims to prevent shareholders from accessing company profits or assets without paying the appropriate taxes.

According to Division 7A, if a benefit is conferred, the recipient is deemed to have received an unfranked dividend for tax purposes, subject to taxation at their marginal tax rate. However, this adverse tax consequence can be mitigated by either repaying the amount before the company tax return deadline or establishing a compliant loan agreement with prescribed annual repayments at the benchmark interest rate.

Despite Division 7A being in effect since 1997, common compliance issues persist, including inaccurate accounting for the use of company assets, non-compliant loans, refinancing to cover Division 7A liabilities, and incorrect interest rate application. Managing the tax implications of benefits provided to shareholders and associates can quickly become complex. However, adhering to a few fundamental practices can help prevent complications:

  • Avoid using company funds for personal expenses.
  • Maintain comprehensive records documenting all company transactions, including those involving associated trusts, shareholders, and their associates.
  • Ensure that any loans extended to shareholders or their associates are supported by written agreements with terms that meet compliance standards, thereby preventing the entire loan amount from being treated as an unfranked dividend.

It is crucial to adhere to strict deadlines when addressing Division 7A issues. For instance, repayment of loans or implementation of compliant loan agreements must be completed before the due or lodgment date of the company’s tax return for the relevant year whichever is earlier.

In conclusion, the ATO’s crackdown on the misuse of company funds underscores the importance of adhering to tax regulations and maintaining transparency in financial dealings. By following prescribed guidelines and adopting best practices, business owners can avoid potential tax liabilities and ensure compliance with Division 7A requirements.

Pitt Martin Group is a CPA accounting firm, providing services including taxation, accounting, business consulting, self-managed superannuation funds, auditing and mortgage & finance. We spend hundreds of hours each year on training and researching new tax laws to ensure our clients can maximize legitimate tax benefit. Our contact information are phone +61292213345 or email Pitt Martin Group is located in the convenient transportation hub of Sydney’s central business district. Our honours include the 2018 CPA NSW President’s Award for Excellence, the 2020 Australian Small Business Champion Award Finalist, the 2021 Australia’s well-known media ‘Accountants Daily’ the Accounting Firm of the Year Award Finalist and the 2022 Start-up Firm of the Year Award Finalist, and the 2023 Hong Kong-Australia Business Association Business Award Finalist.

Pitt Martin Group qualifications include over fifteen years of professional experience in accounting industry, membership certification of the Australian Society of Certified Practising Accountants (CPA), Australian Taxation Registered Agents, certified External Examiner of the Law Societies of New South Wales, Victoria, and Western Australia Law Trust Accounts, membership certification of the Finance Brokers Association of Australia Limited (FBAA), Registered Agents of the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC), certified Advisor of accounting software such as XERO, QUICKBOOKS, MYOB, etc.

This content is for reference only and does not constitute advice on any individual or group’s specific situation. Any individual or group should take action only after consulting with professionals. Due to the timeliness of tax laws, we have endeavoured to provide timely and accurate information at the time of publication, but cannot guarantee that the content stated will remain applicable in the future. Please indicate the source when forwarding this content.

By Yvonne Shao @ Pitt Martin Tax

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Understanding Your Business's Worth: Key Factors and Tips







  • 持续盈利并显示更高潜力
  • 提供高于30%的投资回报率
  • 具有强劲的增长并具有更多增长的良好前景
  • 具有能够运营而不过度依赖业主的特征
  • 拥有一批忠实的客户群
  • 在市场上拥有垄断地位,成为唯一的领头羊
  • 拥有难以被其他人复制的竞争优势
  • 拥有良好的运营系统和流程以确保业务顺利进行



皮特马丁会计师事务所 Pitt Martin Group 是一家提供税务,会计,生意咨询, 自管养老金及审计等综合性服务的经澳洲会计师公会认证的注册会计师事务所。我们每年会花上几百个小时去研究新的税法,以保证我们的客户可以最大化合理避税。我们的中文联系方式是 Robert Liu +61292213345 或邮件。皮特马丁会计师事务所Pitt Martin Group坐落在交通便利的悉尼市市中心,是一家拥有可以说中文合伙人的会计师事务所。我们的荣誉包括2018年CPA新州首席优秀奖,2019年澳洲知名媒体《每日会计师》年度最佳会计师奖,2020年澳洲知名媒体《每日会计师》年度最佳咨询师奖及澳大利亚小生意年度冠军入围奖, 2022年澳洲知名媒体《每日会计师》年度最佳新人入围奖。

皮特马丁会计师事务所 Pitt Martin  Group资质包括超过十五年的从业经验,澳大利亚注册会计师协会(CPA)执业认证会员,澳大利亚税务注册代理,新州和维州律师协会信托账户 (Trust Account) 认证审计师,澳大利亚证券及投资委员会注册代理,XERO, QUICKBOOKS, MYOB等会计软件授权单位及认证顾问。


By Yvonne Shao @ Pitt Martin Tax

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