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Nowadays, Self-managed Super Funds are getting more and more popular due to its low tax rate and being an ideal investment vehicle for retirement. We are qualified SMSF specialists and we have in-depth experience in this area.

Pros and Cons of Investing In Self-Managed Super Funds


  • 15% flat tax rate on the investment income
  • Discounted tax rate for capital gains on investment
  • No tax payable on income and gains when retired
  • Complete control with your investment
  • Wider range of products compared to APRA-regulated funds
  • Lower cost for bigger funds


  • Compliance and legal risks due to the lack of knowledge;
  • Time consuming on keeping the fund running;
  • Can be costly on setting up and maintaining the fund
  • Limitation on accessing government compensation programs when money lost in the fund
  • Reduced access to dispute resolution scheme

What can Self-Managed Super Funds invest in?

Like APRA-regulated funds, Self-Managed Super Funds can invest in:


Term Deposits

Managed Funds

In addition, Self-Managed Super Funds exclusively can invest in:

Direct property

Collectibles such as artwork, jewellery, antiques, wine, etc

Cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, Ripple, etc

What can we do for your Self-Managed Super Fund?

Structure Setup

An appropriate structure provides better legal protection and flexibility for change of members. We are good at setting up a suitable structure for SMSF clients.

Tax Return

We are experienced in assisting with tax returns for SMSF clients and ensuring that they get the best possible outcome.


We can administer our clients’ SMSF financial reports, Trustee resolution and minutes and member statements.


We can offer tax agent related advice on your Self-Managed Super Fund.


We have partnered auditors who can perform audits for you, so you don’t have to worry about dealing with an unknown auditor.



Make an enquiry

Please let us to assist you. Submit your info via the form and one of our expert advisor will get in touch with you shortly.

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