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Posts by Robert Liu CPA RTA MPA

JobKeeper and JobSeeker have been extended






  • 1200澳元每两周:在2020年3月1日之前的四个星期的时间里,在企业或非营利性机构平均每周工作20小时及以上,符合申请条件的员工和企业的积极业务参与者;
  • 750澳元每两周:平均每周工作20小时以下的其他符合申请条件的员工和企业的积极业务参与者。


  • 1000澳元每两周:在2020年3月1日之前的四个星期的时间里,在企业或非营利性机构平均每周工作20小时及以上,符合申请条件的员工和企业的积极业务参与者;
  • 650澳元每两周:平均每周工作20小时以下的其他符合申请条件的员工和企业的积极业务参与者。




为了有资格申请2020年9月28日到2021年1月3日延长期的第一个阶段JobKeeper,企业和非营利机构需要证明他们2020年6月季度(4月、5月、6月)和2020年9月季度(7、8、9月) 的实际营业额与之前的可比季度比较有大幅的下降(一般为2019年相应季度)。







政府也会将JobSeeker的免税区由每两周106澳元增加至300澳元,青年津贴等(Youth Allowance)的免税区由每两周143澳元增加至300澳元。并且在计算收入测试时,超过300澳元的收入统一按0.6澳元每澳元的递减来核算,这同样适用于JobSeeker 和青年津贴等。



经济审查 – 由2020年9月25日起,将恢复以下经济审查:

  • 对所有受助人及新受助人进行资产测试;和
  • 所有款项的流动资产等待期(LAWP)将恢复。

配偶收入测试 – 对于无个人收入的个人,自2020年9月25日起,配偶收入测试封顶额将增加到每两周3,086.11澳元,或每年80,238.89澳元。缩减率将从25美分增加到27美分。

扩大标准 – JobSeeker和青年津贴等将继续为符合条件的失业的长期雇员、个体户、其他经营者、临时工和合同工提供补助,直至2020年12月31日。




皮特马丁会计师事务所 Pitt Martin 是一家提供税务,会计,生意咨询, 自管养老金及审计等综合性服务的经澳洲会计师公会认证的注册会计师事务所。我们每年会花上几百个小时去研究新的税法,以保证我们的客户可以最大化合理避税。皮特马丁会计师事务所Pitt Martin 坐落在交通便利的悉尼市市中心,是一家拥有可以说中文合伙人的会计师事务所。


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ATO is investigating the COVID-19 application fraud



举报、税务申报和一键式薪酬系统 STP


近期被举报的一个大案例来自于《澳大利亚金融评论》(Australian Financial Review)公开披露的澳大利亚Comfort Group旗下的两家企业SleepMaker和Dunlop Foams,他们涉嫌故意压低月收入,以获得近1,100万澳元的工资补贴 (JobKeeper)。举报来自一名员工的内部电子邮件,邮件显示该公司内部在努力将发票开具时间推到其他时间。该员工也根据Fair Work Act对制造商提出了索赔,虽然澳大利亚Comfort Group激烈否认有任何不当行为。




澳大利亚税务局副局长Will Day表示,“这不符合政府出台此次救市措施的出发点(即旨在帮助那些正在经历困难的人),那些偷税漏税及正在做违法事情的人们将受到严厉惩罚。如果有人推荐一些好得令人难以置信的方法,这很可能就是在犯法。”



  • 企业生意收入下降方面符合资格要求
  • 企业申请的员工符合条件
  • 符合条件的企业参与人申请正确
  • 企业没有通过操纵他们的营业额来满足营业额下降的测试


  • 在你的工资或工作情况没有变化的情况下申请
  • 人为地安排以满足资格标准
  • 做出虚假陈述或欺诈性尝试以满足申请资格
  • 先提取然后重新缴纳养老金以获得税收优惠——这不仅会触犯反逃税规则,还会导致额外的苛税,并且影响你获得养老金协同缴纳的资格。



  • 人为重组企业,以获得现金流补助
  • 人为地将支付的性质改变为工资,以最大限度地增加现金流补助
  • 夸大报告的预缴金额,以最大限度地增加现金流补助
  • 重启休眠的企业以获得现金流补助
  • 做出虚假陈述或试图伪造以达到符合要求的目的



在一个大数据匹配项目中,ATO和澳大利亚服务局 (Service Australia)将共享约300万个人的数据记录,以确保那些获得补助的人有资格获得这些补助。

对于根据COVID-19政府措施提前提取养老金的人,Service Australia将核实他们的资格,即他们的申明有资格领取求职津贴、育儿补贴、特殊福利、青年津贴或农业家庭津贴。


税局还会通过各个州和地区惩教机构, 对45,000名囚犯的记录进行数据比对,同样包括对JobKeeper、提前提取养老金以及现金流补助等的资格的审查,以确认他们申请的合法性。审查将覆盖从2020年3月1日到2020年9月27日的记录。

如果您对疫情期间已经申请的补助资格不确定的话,请参考我们之前的文章《澳洲政府重磅推出第二和第三刺激计划,哪一款政策适合你?》《澳洲疫情中推出救市刺激计划,中小生意如何从中受益》,或电话 Robert Liu +61292213345 和邮件。

皮特马丁会计师事务所 Pitt Martin 是一家提供税务,会计,生意咨询, 自管养老金及审计等综合性服务的经澳洲会计师公会认证的注册会计师事务所。我们每年会花上几百个小时去研究新的税法,以保证我们的客户可以最大化合理避税。皮特马丁会计师事务所Pitt Martin 坐落在交通便利的悉尼市市中心,是一家拥有可以说中文合伙人的会计师事务所。


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Key Tax Changes for the New Financial Year 2021

2020 is already halfway and we are all heading into the new financial year. Despite there are quite many changes from the government stimulus package, there are still some key changes that we can take a look at for Financial Year 2021.

Reduced company tax rate from 1 July 2020

Firstly, from 1 July 2020, tax rate for small business under certain structure has been reduced to 26%.

Businesses such as companies, corporate unit trusts and publicly trading trusts with a turnover less than $50 million will be taxed at a rate of 26% in 2020-21. The tax rate 30% will continuously apply to all companies that are not eligible for lower company tax rate. Generally, the ones with a turnover more than $50m. The lower company tax rate will then reduce to 25% from the 2021-22 income year. Progressive changes to the company tax rate can be found below:

  2018-19 and 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22
* Base Rate Entities 27.5% 26% 25%
Other corporate tax entities 30% 30% 30%

*base rate entity is a company has an aggregated turnover less than $50m and 80% or less of their assessable income is passive income

Increased National Minimum Wage Rates

From 1 July 2020, the minimum wage has been increased by 1.75%

The Fair Work Ombudsman has staggered the increase into three stages:

The first group on 1 July 2020

  • Frontline healthcare and social assistance workers
  • Teachers and childcare workers
  • Other essential services

The second group on 1 November 2020

  • Construction
  • Manufacturing
  • A range of other industries

The third group on 1 February 2021

  • Accommodation and food services
  • Arts and recreation services
  • Aviation
  • Retail
  • Tourism

Please go to Fair Work Ombudsman Website ( for more information in regards to the affected industries.

For all other employees who are not covered by an award or employment agreement, they have to be paid at a minimum hourly rate of $19.84 or $753.8 per week. The changes will become effective from 1 July 2020.

Employers should ensure their employee receive at least the national minimum wage to avoid breaching any industrial and superannuation obligations.

Increase the flexibility of Parental Leave Pay for self-employed

Starting from 1 July 2020, adopting the Parental Leave Pay Planning announced by the government will provide parents more flexibility and choice.

The new measure introduces 30 days of flexible paid parental leave for self-employed and small business owners.

Before, parents are only eligible to claim paid parental leave of 18 weeks in one go. Now, the payment will include both:

  • A continuous paid parental leave period of up to 12 weeks and,
  • 30 flexible paid parental leave days

Parents can still get parental leave pay in a single continuous 18 weeks block. Alternatively, you can choose a shorter block of 12 weeks. You can then take the remaining flexible paid parental leave when it suits you. However, you must take the flexible paid parental leave days all before your child turns 2. For example, you work 5 days a week previously. Now you have your new born child. You can choose to take a continuous 12 weeks paid parental leave first, and work for three days a week and take a paid parental leave for the remaining 2 days.

If employees want to receive a flexible paid parental leave, they have to negotiate with their employers in regards to their paid leave period or back to work as a part-time. If you cannot make an agreement with your employers regarding your working arrangement, you have to take a continuous block of 18 weeks.

You can changes apply to the babies born on or after 1 July 2020 but the application for the flexible arrangement is opened from 1 April 2020.

Other changes from 1 July 2020

  • The instant assets write-off of $150,000 threshold for small business has been expanded to 31 December 2020.
  • Cents per kilometre for work purpose deduction has been increased from $0.68 to $0.72.
  • Capital gain tax exemption for non-resident for main residence will not be available unless you satisfy the life event test. Please refer to our article “CGT exemption on Main Residence is not any more to Foreign Resident” for more information.
  • Small businesses with employee less than 19 are required to finalise the payroll information through STP (Single Touch Payroll) system which was enforced from 1 July 2020. Please refer to “For All Business – Single Touch Payroll” for more information.

 In Pitt Martin, we keep our clients with government tax and policy updates so they won’t be disadvantaged by the obsolete legislation. Call us on 02 92213345 or email for this tax season.

Disclaimer: This article is not providing a formal advice and may not suit to all scenarios. Please make an appointment with us to discuss.

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  2018-19 and 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22
基准税率实体* 27.5% 26% 25%
Other corporate tax entities 30% 30% 30%





  • 第一组薪酬——从2020年7月1日开始
    • 一线医护及社会援助工作者
    • 教师和幼教者
    • 其他必要服务行业工作者
  • 第二组薪酬——从2020年11月1日开始
    • 建筑行业
    • 制造业
    • 一系列其他行业
  • 第三组薪酬- 2021年2月1日起
    • 住宿和餐饮服务行业
    • 艺术及娱乐服务行业
    • 航空
    • 零售
    • 旅游

你可以在公平工作监管会的网站(Fair Work Ombudsman’s website)上找到完整的受影响的行业。




从2020年7月1日起,使用政府的带薪产假(Parental Leave Pay)计划的父母将获得更大的灵活性和选择性。



  • 连续12周,和
  • 30天的弹性工作制。

父母可以一次性连续使用18周的带薪产假,或者根据新规定,先连续使用12周的带薪产假,然后以适合自己的方式,在孩子两岁之前使用额外的30天带薪产假。例如,假设每周工作5天的妈妈有了孩子,她可以先选择连续拿12周的带薪产假, 然后每周回去做3天的兼职工作。在这种情况下,妈妈每周可以申请两天不工作的带薪产假工资。




  • 本来定于6月30日结束的小生意15万澳元的资产立即抵扣的政策,7月1日后延续到2020年12月31日;
  • 工作相关行车的税务抵扣从每公里68分涨到72分;
  • 雇佣19人及以下的小企业主同大企业一样需要通过一键式薪酬系统确认和完成员工的工资的年度申报,详细参考我们之前的文章”一键式薪酬系统

皮特马丁会计师事务所 Pitt Martin 是一家提供税务,会计,生意咨询, 自管养老金及审计等综合性服务的经澳洲会计师公会认证的注册会计师事务所。我们每年会花上几百个小时去研究新的税法,以保证我们的客户可以最大化合理避税。我们的中文联系方式是 Robert Liu +61292213345 或邮件。皮特马丁会计师事务所Pitt Martin 坐落在交通便利的悉尼市市中心,是一家拥有可以说中文合伙人的会计师事务所。


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Happy New Financial Year

A new financial year is an important time for all kinds of businesses, from sole traders to big corporate. It is not only to meet your tax obligations with the Australian Taxation Office, but also the perfect time to plan for the next 12 months of your business.

There is certainly lots to do as a small business owner as you focus on year-end accounting and bookkeeping tasks besides some planning for the new financial year. To help you organise your financial records, Pitt Martin has put together a handy EOFY checklist for businesses.

  • You need to ensure your BAS lodgements are up-to-date and accurate. This is not only making it easier for you to finalise your financial statements but also avoid penalty from the ATO
  • You need to ensure your superannuation guarantee (SG) contributions are accurate and up to date. Please note that your March SG is due 28 April 2020 and if you have previous quarters outstanding, you need to act as soon as possible or contact your accountant and bookkeeper for guidance.
  • If you are reporting to the ATO via Single Touch Payroll (STP), you are exempt from lodging a PAYG payment summary (Group Certificate) annual report for the amount you’ve reported through STP and from providing payment summaries to your employees so long as you undertake the finalisation declaration by the appropriate date. Please note that you can finalise your employees’ EOFY payroll information through your STP enabled software as soon as you have reconciled the information. Otherwise, you have up until 31 July to do so. Your employees will be able to access their income statements via myGov under the employment tab. If they do not have a myGov account and cannot create one, or do not have a registered agent, you can direct them to contact ATO on 13 28 61.
  • You need to ensure that you keep records for at least 5 years, and they are compliant with the ATO requirements
  • If you prepared your bookkeeping during the year, please make sure you have your accountant to review the transactions and GST codes assigned to the Profit and Loss and Balance Sheet items to ensure you are lodging a correct BAS.
  • The stocktake of your inventory should be done by 30 June 2020, if your business carries stock. Any adjustment on stock quantities and wastage should be reflected in the 2020 accounts.
  • If you maintain an asset register for your business, you need to review with your accountant or bookkeeper and remove any assets that had been disposed of or write off. Speak to your accountant about the instant asset write-off that the government introduced as part of the Australian Government’s economic response to coronavirus.
  • You need to ensure the following have been completed and reflected in your Profit and Loss and Balance Sheet,
    • Bank accounts, petty cash, prepayments, credit cards, borrowing cost, loans, Chattel Mortgages, and Division 7A Loans are reconciled
    • Depreciation has been properly accounted up to 30 June 2020 in the Profit and Loss and Balance Sheet
    • Review your Debtors and Creditors balance to ensure the accuracy
    • GST and PAYG withholding accounts are reconciled to the June quarter BAS
    • Wages and Superannuation in the Profit and Loss are reconciled to the Payment Summaries.
    • Superannuation Payable in the Balance Sheet is reconciled to the June quarter superannuation guarantee contributions
    • Review the suspense account and ensure all amounts are allocated to the appropriate account
    • Ensure there have been no personal expenses claimed as business expenses

With many businesses facing unprecedented challenges from COVID-19, there is no better time for small business owners to start afresh and thinking about improving their current business performance.

We have included additional checklist which hopefully can help you improve your business performance and financial health going forward,

  • You need to revisit your business plan and adjust accordingly to provide a better and clearer direction for your business amid the pandemic. You need to think about what areas of your business do you want to improve? Your accountant can be an important resource to help you put in place a plan to get where you want your business to be.
  • You need to update your cash flow budgets for the next 12 months by comparing it to the actual performance. Cash flow is the lifeblood of your small business and needs to be looked at closely for your business to sustain. Review your pricing structure and if you need to raise your price, now is the best time to do. Again, your accountant will be able to assist in the pricing and cash flow budgets.
  • You need to review your business insurances or public liability to ensure you have a sufficient level of coverage
  • You need to review your financing arrangements to ensure that you have a better deal
  • You need to review your own personal insurances including life insurance and income protection insurance to ensure you have adequate coverage should your circumstances have changed
  • You need to review your health and safety policies and procedures to ensure your workplace is COVID Safe by following the guidance from the government for the safety plan.
  • If you are still using a spreadsheet or other manual accounting system, you might want to consider switching to cloud-based accounting software. Your accountant will be able to assist you with the transition.

In the face of uncertainty caused by the global pandemic, actions taken now can have an immediate impact on how quickly your business rebounds from the global downturn.

Pitt Martin Accountants and Tax Advisers are Xero qualified and Award-winning accountants and bookkeepers who can assist you and your business to improve your business performance and financial health moving forward.

If you know any small business owners who require an assistance in managing their bookkeeping and accounting, please do not hesitate to pass on our details or get in touch with our team on 02 9221 3345 or email

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Don’t Miss Out the $25K HomeBuilder Grant

Given the impact of Bushfire and COVID-19, Australia has entered into an economic recession first time in the last 30 years. Last a couple of weeks, we have witnessed the Federal Government announced that they have been working with States and Territories to offer a $25,000 HomeBuilder Grant between 4 June 2020 and 31 December 2020 for eligible owner occupiers and buyers including first home buyers.


  • Natural person (not a company and trust)
  • Aged 18 years or older
  • An Australian Citizen (does not mention PR or New Zealand Citizen)
  • Income cap:
    • For Individuals, your earning should be $125,000 or less based on 2018-19 tax return or later
    • For couples, your combined earnings should be $200,000 or less based on 2018-19 tax return or later
  • can be either:
    • A new home worth less than $750,000 or
    • An existing home valued up to $1.5m, and the renovation contract should be between $150,000 and $750,000
  • The construction and renovation must be executed within three months of the contract date.

Dwelling types:

House, apartments, house and land package, off-the-plan, can be existing property renovation and new property. The scheme will not apply to owner builders or those who are planning to build a new home or renovate an existing home as an investment property.  

Eligibility for Renovation

Renovation fee is between $150,000 and $750,000. The existing property needs worth less than $1.5 million. The construction should be carried out by licensed contractors at arms-length price within three months after signing of the contract. The HomeBuilder Grants must be used for improving your accessibility, liveability, and safety, but not used for add-ons like tennis courts, swimming pool and detached sheds etc. Also, the terms of the contract should be reasonable and in line with the market requirements to prevent any fraud between builders and property owners from swindling grants.

Am I still eligible if I own a land?

  • If you own land with an existing dwelling on it and plan to demolish and rebuild your dwelling, this will be considered as substantial renovation as long as the upgraded work’s value is between $150,000 and $750,000, and the value of your existing dwelling (including land value) before the demolish does not exceed $1.5 million.
  • If you acquired a vacant land prior to 4 June 2020, you can build a new dwelling on it as long as the total cost of the dwelling plus the land value before construction is less than $750,000.

Can I apply now?

No. It can only apply after your State or Territory enters into a contact with Federal Government and open the channel for application. You will be notified by each State or Territory government in regard to the updates of application. 

Required documents:

Required documents may vary from different State or Territory for your application. However, at least the following documents are required:

  • Proof of identification
  • Contract with date and signature of you and your licensed builder
  • Copy of your builder’s registration or license (depending on your State or Territory)
  • Copy of your 2018-19 tax return to demonstrate your income meets income cap
  • Other documents including council approvals, building contracts and evidence of land value etc

More detailed documents require further notification from States or Territory government

If I have received First Home Owner Grant, am I still eligible for this HomeBuilder Grant?

Yes, you are. The Homebuilder Grant does not conflict with the First Home Owner Grant, Stamp Duty Concessions as well as the Commonwealth’s First Home Loan Deposit Scheme and First Home Super Saver Scheme.

Do we have to pay tax on that?

No. This is a tax-free payment to you.

Call us on 0292213345 or email on for further details.

Disclaimer: This article is not providing a formal advice and may not suit to all scenarios. Please make an appointment with us to discuss.

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2020年3月底,澳大利亚联邦政府宣布将2020财年和2019 财年的养老金最低支付要求减半,以帮助受托人保护他们的退休金跟养老金余额。2008年全球金融危机期间政府也曾宣布过类似的措施。

如果您已超额提取了本财年度的最低养老金,您就不能把这部分钱放回您的自管养老金中去了。 任何退还到自管养老金的款项都将属于自我缴款,您需要确保您可以合规这样做。





  • 没有工作的个人
  • 有资格领取求职津贴(之前称之为“新起点”津贴),求职者青年津贴,子女抚养津贴,特殊福利或农业家庭津贴的个人
  • 还包括在2020年1月1日之后
    • 失业的个人
    • 工作时间被减少超过20%的个人
    • 生意处于歇业状态,营业额减少20%以上的个体经营者






想要了解更多信息请点击Australian Government Business website .








有限的追索借款安排 Limited Recourse Borrowing Arrangements



若贷款方是关联方 (而非金融机构),那么自管养老金受托人获取市场上商业放贷方在此方面行为的信息将十分重要。关联方贷款的一个关键方面是,要保证其执行的条款和条件与自管养老金持有者期望从金融机构或者银行获得的是一致的。





  • 关联方的贷款
  • 养老金中出租给关联方的资产
  • 关联方的投资


  • 养老金的成员,其配偶或亲戚
  • 由成员,配偶及其亲戚实际控制的信托或者公司

受托人应审核内部资产并考虑如何将其占比控制在规定允许的比例5% 以下。养老金法要求,受托人在2021财年结束前,记录并完成一个书面的内部资产补救计划。有证据能证明受托人已经解决或考虑解决了这个问题,将会对2020财年自管养老金的审计以及税局的检查至关重要。



  • 房地产估值 —— 我们目前还没有看到疫情对于澳洲房地产估值影响的报道。我们能看到其对于租金收入的影响,但这会损害到对房地产的估值吗?受托人可以考虑在年底时取得一个独立的评估,以支持其对于养老金中房地产的估价。
  • 对于未上市的投资的估值 —— 与上述情况类似,目前可能难以预测疫情对于自管养老金持有者手中未上市的投资的影响。同样,受托人应确保,他们能够证明在评估2020财年这些投资的市值时获取和考虑了哪些信息。
  • 自管养老金投资策略 —— 这是过去的18个月里,审计人员跟税局都特别关注,并将会持续关注的一个问题。也许并不需要改变自管养老金的投资策略,但受托人有义务定期审核投资策略。审计员将会着重于寻找受托人定期审核投资策略和审核结果的证据。

皮特马丁会计师事务所 Pitt Martin 是一家提供税务,会计,生意咨询, 自管养老金及审计等综合性服务的经澳洲会计师公会认证的注册会计师事务所。我们每年会花上几百个小时去研究新的税法,以保证我们的客户可以最大化合理避税。我们的中文联系方式是 Robert Liu +61292213345 或邮件。皮特马丁会计师事务所Pitt Martin 坐落在交通便利的悉尼市市中心,是一家拥有可以说中文合伙人的会计师事务所。


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  • 必须是自然人(公司或信托等名下的住房不可以);
  • 已年满18岁;
  • 澳大利亚公民 (目前没有说PR 和新西兰公民可以);
  • 收入上限要求:
  • 单个申请人,2018-19年或以后的纳税申报单应税收入低于12万5千澳元;或
  • 夫妻共同申请者,2018-19年或以后的纳税申报单总应税收入低于20万澳元;
  • 在2020年6月4日至2020年12月31日之间签署一份建筑合同,可以是以下任何一项:
  • 建造新的自住房,其价格不超过75万澳元; 或
  • 翻新你现有的自住房,翻新合同价在15万到75万澳元之间,你现有的自住房不得超过150万澳元;
  • 施工必须在合同签订之日起三个月内开始。








  • 如果你有的是房子加土地,并希望拆毁房子重建,这可以被视为大规模翻新,只要翻新价格在15万到75万澳元之间并且该房子加土地总价格在翻新前不超过150万澳元;
  • 如果你在2020年6月4日之前拥有空置土地,这可以被视为全新建筑,建筑的总价值加上建筑前的土地价格不能超过75万澳元。





  • 身份证明;
  • 与指定注册或许可建筑商签署的合同副本;
  • 建筑商的注册或执照副本(取决于你居住的州或地区);
  • 一份2018-19年度(或之后)纳税申报单,以证明符合收入上限要求;
  • 其他文件,如当地区政府建筑或翻新批准信,土地的价格公证等。






皮特马丁会计师事务所 Pitt Martin 是一家提供税务,会计,生意咨询, 自管养老金及审计等综合性服务的经澳洲会计师公会认证的注册会计师事务所。我们每年会花上几百个小时去研究新的税法,以保证我们的客户可以最大化合理避税。我们的中文联系方式是 Robert Liu +61292213345 或邮件。皮特马丁会计师事务所Pitt Martin 坐落在交通便利的悉尼市市中心,是一家拥有可以说中文合伙人的会计师事务所。


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Don’t let coronavirus sink you and your business

Don’t let coronavirus sink you and your business

The last few months have shown a constant display of obscure challenges related to maintaining business during the COVID-19 pandemic for business owners and leaders everywhere. The latest obscure challenge is possibly the trickiest yet: how to cautiously recommence businesses after the government announced the major easing of coronavirus restrictions.

Businesses will be faced with many logistical details including how to maintain social distance, limit crowd size, and ensure spaces are cleaned thoroughly and regularly. It will take some time to lift the level of confidence in people to start visiting shops, restaurants, and other public venues. In such an uncertain and diverging environment, how can small businesses move forward and back to “business as usual”? There are many opportunities for us as business owners and leaders to unify and build this together amid the uncertainty.


Patience is not the ability to wait, but the ability to keep a good attitude while waiting. In today’s world, where technology has created the expectation that everything should move more quickly, patience becomes one of the rarest virtues. No one has the patience to wait for anything anymore. However, we need to be careful to not rush everything. We should be careful not to move faster than governments allow.

We should be patient with a timeline that might be slower than we anticipated; patient with a reopening process that might be awkward; patient with the line-up that we have to face when entering the shops; patient with our leaders feeling the pressure of this difficult situation; patient with one another as we are getting used to with the new normal. As hard as it will be to practice patience, we must be determined as it is unquestionable the second wave of Covid-19 cases, or a local outbreak would detrimentally impact businesses.


Humility is to have a student mindset and always be willing to learn new things. With so many changes in the world amid the pandemic, we need to quick to hear, slow to speak, and slow to anger. When you listen, it may slow down the process of consideration and planning, but it is worth it. We need to be humble to learn to adapt and to accept that things might not be the same as they used to be.

We need humility in how we react to the plans by the government leaders, even if we do not agree with every aspect of it. There is no definitive answer on how to do this well and everyone is just trying to do the best they can to get through this crisis. If we are willing to learn and adapt with all humility, we will be able to survive.


This pandemic is affecting us individually, societally, and organisationally. During this pandemic, we all need to step up and be a leader to do what we can for the greater good. If you are fortunate enough to have cash in your pockets, you can use it to support other businesses. We need to think of ways we can serve our friends, family, neighbours, and community as a whole. We need to encourage “we” before “me” and show gratitude and compassion for others.

If you can make your business about helping others during this crisis, you will always have plenty of work because no one has ever become poor by giving. There is no better time than now to put the needs of others ahead of our own. Remember, success has nothing to do with what you gain in life or accomplish for yourself; it is what you do for others.

There is no need to panic. Tough times never last but tough people do. If we can all continue to show up as servant leaders with patience and humility to serve others, we can get through this uncertainty and crisis stronger than ever.

Don’t let this uncertainty sink your business, reach out for help not because you are weak, but because you want to remain strong.

Pitt Martin Accountants & Tax Advisers are Xero qualified and Award-winning accountants and bookkeepers for small businesses which can be reached on 02 9221 3345 or

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How SME get recovered after the COVID-19

It has already been two months since the lockdown was in place. Earlier this month, Prime Minister Scott Morrison finally announced a “Three-Step” procedure to reopen Australia after the COVID-19, which is good news to all of us. Based on the data from Treasurer Josh Frydenberg, Australian has been losing more than $4 billion each week due to the lockdown, of which the largest portion has been attributed to the affected small and medium-sized business (SME). As the lockdown has been gradually lifted, how would SME self-adjust their business and catch up with the changing market in order to bring their business back to normal or even beyond?

  1. Get government subsidies and grants

First of all, the biggest issue that SME is facing at the moment is cashflow caused by the declined revenue. As cashflow is considered as the lifeline for any business, the shortage of cashflow may directly lead the business to insolvency. For now, the fastest and most efficient way to deal with the cashflow shortage is to apply for and get the government subsidies and grants. We have mentioned those subsidies and grants in our previous articles The second and third Stimulus Plan – Which one suits you? and How small and medium business benefit from the Stimulus Package? , such as JobKeeper Payment, Cash Flow Boost to employers and Apprentices and Trainees Wage Subsidy etc. These are the most effective approaches you can take currently to maximise your cashflow. For more federal and state stimulus measures, please click on our Internal Manual (。

Also, the Government Guaranteed Unsecured Finance for up to $250k provided by the bank is another feasible way to supplement the SME’s mid or long term cashflow.

In addition, all the tax liabilities incurred after 12 March, such as income tax, GST, FBT etc, can be deferred to 14 September. Companies that make good use of this relief can help with cashflow shortfalls without violating regulation to delay their tax lodgement.

2. Prepare for return to workplace

If you have already applied for the JobKeeper Payment, you should not worry too much about finding new employees which is the government initiative. Employees can return to work at any time to resume as usual. If you lose your employee for any reason such as you are not eligible for JobKeeper Payment, it is the time for you to consider recruiting or getting in touch with right candidate for the recovery.

After returning to work, business should actively respond to the preventive anti-epidemic measures, such as making employee and customer safety manual or post, keeping 1.5 meters social distance, maintaining 4 square metres of space per person and preparing hand sanitiser etc.

If your business was temporarily closed and you have been working from home since the lockdown, it is the time for you to get in touch with your suppliers and building manager of your workplace to ensure the goods, utilities supplies and office are operating as normal.

3. Have an effective communication with other parties

As a result of market changes caused by the outbreak, the personnel and department in the organisation may also need to be changed. For example, some departments may need more people while others may have to cut. Managers have to have an effective communication with affected employees to make sure personnel change is undertaken in a considerate and proper way.

For most of SME, rent is one of the biggest expenditures in their daily business. The Federal government as well as State government have issued the relevant law and code to ensure landlords to share a portion of the business loss. Therefore, affected business should reach out to their landlord in order to get some rental relief if they have not yet. If you decide to update or enter into a new lease with the landlord, you should take an advantage of the current market to get a better price and terms.

Given everyone is suffering from cashflow shortfall at the moment or in the near future, business should accelerate any necessary debt collection procedures to avoid further capital loss because of the potential future bad debt.

Businesses also have to review the contract with existing suppliers and customers and actively communicate with them to ensure the terms in the contract are updated in a timely manner to reflect the changed market.

4. Change your business plan and look for new opportunities

The current business plan and financial budget may no longer be applicable to the SME. An adjustable and flexible business plan and financial budget are the only guarantee for future recovery and success. Similarly, business who can adjust themselves in the changing market may have more opportunities. For example, lockdown increases the online demand and delivery. In the meantime, online meeting is becoming more acceptable during this period. Therefore, in future, some retail and hospitality business may consider expanding their take-away and IT-related business might intend to engage in online App Development or Video calls.

There is no doubt that there will be a long-term impact brought by this coronavirus pandemic. Business should take their long-term strategies into consideration when they make new business plan to ensure the new plan is more suitable for the changing market and prepare for the worst on the other hand.

Since the outbreak, we can deeply feel that clients, at any other time, never like now need our assistance and advice. At Pitt Martin, we strive to understand your business and put our feet in your shoes so we can be committed to delivering the best service we can to help you out during this tough time. Let us work together and bring your business and life back to normal as soon as possible! Call us on 02 92213345 or email

Disclaimer: This article is not providing a formal advice and may not suit to all scenarios. Please make an appointment with us to discuss.

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